They asked/begged for control of Congress.......we (Tea Party conservatives) delivered and then they turned on us.
Negative Views of New Congress Cross Party Lines
Republicans Want GOP Leaders to Challenge Obama More Often

Yssup Rider's Avatar
There is no category for Log Cabin Tea Wipes.

Maybe you and Whiny need to gin up another poll so that your vocal minority can be represented...

And yeah, you're asking/begging for it.

Awwww... did you get lied to by republicans?
Yeah; GOP leadership lied. I can admit it.

Do you admit Obama lied to the American public (over and over and over)?
Yeah; GOP leadership lied. I can admit it.

Do you admit Obama lied to the American public (over and over and over)? Originally Posted by Whirlaway
I admit I don't give a shit
Of course you don't. You are a useless troll.

I admit I don't give a shit Originally Posted by WombRaider
Of course you don't. You are a useless troll. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Don't get butthurt, poor baby. You deserve to be trolled. You're stupid. And you have body odor. Your breath smells like an onion, passed through a wet fart.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Don't get butthurt, poor baby. You deserve to be trolled. You're stupid. And you have body odor. Your breath smells like an onion, passed through a wet fart. Originally Posted by WombRaider
And you like liberal leaders who think you're so stupid that they can lie to you all they want and you'll still support them. And they're right.
And you like liberal leaders who think you're so stupid that they can lie to you all they want and you'll still support them. And they're right. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
You've figured me out.
chefnerd's Avatar
Politician that lies? WOW! Absolutely incredible and unheard of! I'm shocked.
Politician that lies? WOW! Absolutely incredible and unheard of! I'm shocked. Originally Posted by chefnerd
When you're whirlyturd, everything is new and shocking.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Don't get butthurt, poor baby. You deserve to be trolled. You're stupid. And you have body odor. Your breath smells like an onion, passed through a wet fart. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Guest123018-4's Avatar
To begin the process of restoring our government to it's constitutional roots would take more than just electing more of the same zoo keepers.

I recently received a questionnaire from the Republican National Committee and will fill it out and send it back along with my comments about the stupidity of many of the questions explaining to them why they continue to be ineffective in their failure to produce candidates that will actually do what those that elected them were promised.

Unlike the Democrats that will knowingly support and elect a proven liar and un-indicted criminal, I expect those that I vote for to live up to their promises and call them to task for not doing so.
Didn't they pass the Keystone Pipeline XL bill?
Didn't they pass a budget?

Looks like all their investigation of Benghazi emails and Louis Lerner case is paying off. .

The whole Obamacare and Immigration Executive action will be settled by the courts and will be better dealt with after the 2016 elections.

The Holy Roman Empire wasn't rebuilt in a day.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
The only time Democrats believe in bipartisanship is when they are in the minority.
They will also accept bipartisanship as long as they get their way without modification.

Why would we trust the courts when Justice Roberts declares he can change the wording and the intent of a law claiming a penalty is a tax. The same courts that allows eminent domain to take personal property for and individual and give it to another individual in order to increase the taxable value of the property. Will they also determine that the federal government is now a State?

Republicans, in their attempt to be bipartisan and liked by all have instituted some of the most damaging laws that we must live with on a daily basis and has contributed to increasing not only the size, but the cost of government. Social Security will be decimated because of the ADA and his son's addition of the unfunded prescription coverage will help to wipe out Medicare. The ADA has greatly increased the numbers of people collectin SS disability. The inability of Richard Nixon to follow the advice of all the experts and double down on the greatly exaggerated so called drug problem and Reagan instituting the war on drugs has created more damge to this nation than the cost of the relatively few abusers ever would have.

The time congress spends in session would be better spent revoking laws than adding new laws.