What ever happened to ...

laserface's Avatar
I'm planning a trip to Philadelphia in the near future, and found myself wondering what ever happened to a couple of my old favorites from "back in the day"...

1) Lauren Love.

Not "Lauren Luva", who's a different girl entirely. This one:


She was based in Philly, but traveled around a lot. Very pretty, busty redhead. Really intelligent, and one of only a very few providers I've ever seen who had absolutely perfect grammar and diction. ;-) She mostly advertised on Backpage.

I know many guys thought she came off as kind of an "ice princess" (i.e., cold and detached), but we always got on very nicely, and I enjoyed the handful of times I saw her (only saw her once in Philadelphia, though - the other times, she was touring and stopped in the Pittsburgh area). Can't recall seeing any ads for her in the last couple of years, wasn't sure if she changed her name, relocated, or just retired.

2) A girl called "Courtney", later called "Cody".

This one was a cute, very petite, and very busty brunette. Towards the end of the heyday of the (presumably mob-controlled) incall services in the Center City area, she was one of my favorites... When the first service I saw her at closed down (it was a multi-girl incall apartment on Walnut Street in the Rittenhouse Square area), I lost track of her for a while, then a few years later came across her again at another service in the Old City area, via an Eros-Philly ad. It's been several years since I've seen her, but given her age when I first saw her (she was all of 18 years old...), it's remotely possible that she's still in the biz, somewhere. I know this one's a longshot, given how long ago I last saw her, and the little info I can provide - but I just throw this one out there because I think anyone who met her back then will probably remember her. ;-)
awl4knot's Avatar
I've been at this for some time and neither of these girls rings a bell with me. But Lauren Love's website is active and says she's was in the Meadowlands recently. Why don't you contact her through the website instead of asking a bunch of clueless mongers what's up with her?