how to succeed at hookering....and life.

john_deere's Avatar
if you play any of the racquet sports, like tennis… you know that coaches are big on follow-through. if you’ve ever spent much time in a pool hall, you know that how you leave the balls after your current shot dictates your success of making the next shot.

business is the same way.

whether or not i give you new business is going to be hugely dependent on how reliable you were at the old business. and, it’s not just the big things… it’s the cumulative effect of the little things that form the overall picture. if you come through on one big thing, then fuck me over on a wagon load of little things… that’s probably going to weigh more heavily against you. it’s all about pattern recognition.

so, if i had a great time with you once… then you fail to return a number of text messages… tell me you want to chat on the phone then never answer… tell me you would love to have me photograph you then not only don’t follow through on making that happen, but later advertise that you’re going to have new photos soon… i’m already in a less than forgiving mood.

so then, if after telling me how much you’d like to see me and confirming an appointment… you pull a no call no show… i think you can see where i’m going with this.

ladies, this is a simple game. it’s easy to do well. all you have to do is do what the fuck you say you are going to do. recognize that dudes are in this because they want a sure thing. recognize that our schedules are not as flexible as yours. sure, we know you have complicated double lives, but that’s the business you’re in. we, on the other hand have to fit these little moments of leisure into our otherwise normal lives.

so, while it’s easy for you to blow a client off because you felt fat that day or had to wash your hair…because you know there will always be some other poor sucker lining up to stick his dick in you, your casual disrespect for our time and energy means a little more to us.
b14me's Avatar
  • b14me
  • 11-09-2015, 09:22 AM
Bravo, well stated.
LOL John Deere !!

Just go ahead and name the provider !!
b14me's Avatar
  • b14me
  • 11-09-2015, 11:36 AM
Well, you know one provider triggered this rant, but I think the aggregate of hookers have taken their toll on poor ole JD.

JD, I feel your pain! HaHa
john_deere's Avatar
anybody paying close attention could already figure this out, but the intent of the post wasn't to drag any specific girl through the mud out here in public. besides, lots of them need to hear this.
busternutzs's Avatar
So much of the time posts like this seem to be a way to blow off steam.

I wonder if they ever reach the audience these type of posts are intended for especially considering the lack of Coed response. The majority of replies come from male members. There is not much activity when it comes to the ladies participating in the Coed forum as well as the Request and ISOs forum.
westtexasbrowser's Avatar
I agree with JD. And I'll elaborate by adding my observation. The best providers I've been with have been successful in private business in their RL. The skills and mindset necessary to succeed are the same in both worlds.

Also, I'm attracted to smart women. So, that helps too.
Keyhole Arc Blow's Avatar
So much of the time posts like this seem to be a way to blow off steam.

I wonder if they ever reach the audience these type of posts are intended for especially considering the lack of Coed response. The majority of replies come from male members. There is not much activity when it comes to the ladies participating in the Coed forum as well as the Request and ISOs forum. Originally Posted by busternutzs
Just talking about this thread in particular, there isn't really much a provider can add. Sure she could say "oh I'd never do that, blah blah blah ima good business woman" but that just comes off as a not so subtle promotion of herself and doesn't really add to the thread.

And if a lady comes in here defending flaky behavior saying they have to deal with dipshits who NCNS or are AWOL until an hour after the appointment was supposed to take place then ask to be seen, of course the lady will get flamed and just not have a good time. Not saying anybody here would pull shit like that on a lady, but I've heard from both sides the woes of flakes.

Can't really speak on the other threads in the forums.
john_deere's Avatar
i'm led to believe that more ladies lurk these threads than we imagine.
Well I wasn't going to post anything but since you guys are talking about the lack of coed discussion, I might as well put my two cents in....first, I agree with JD and I believe most of the providers would agree as well. We need to do what the fuck we say we are going to do. And yes it is that simple. What sucks for our area is the number of women. When the pool has the small amount of choosing as our area does one or two "unreliable" providers makes all of us look bad. I do my best to accommodate but I do disagree with JD saying our schedules are more flexible. Yes, you are correct by saying we chose this business but it doesn't mean we can drop everything when you guys are ready. Most of the guys I have seen realize this isn't my main source of income. I had this exact conversation with a client the other night. I don't know the other providers so I am speaking just on my experience but I don't think I would be able to provide the best service if I relied only on this for my income. It becomes stressful. Especially when you are providing the location, the service, and meeting the client for the first time. I try my best to be dressed and look a certain way and make sure my location is clean and there will be no interruptions and that is after working a 9 hour shift. But, if you enjoy what you are doing and who you are is worth it. I don't know JD'S exact circumstances but come on and give us providers that do put out the effort some credit and remember everyone's time is invaluable to themm
Oh and JD.....quit calling it hookering....lmao.
john_deere's Avatar

but "hookering" makes me giggle.

at any rate, you know i am goddamn well not talking to you. you are one of those that prove the exceptions to the rule. in fact, i think your 9-5 life is distinctly different from most on the provider side of the game.

regardless, i know you never use any of your real-life complications as an excuse.

i think you should start a hookering school.
How about Madame Jillian's School of Fucking Etiquacy
john_deere's Avatar
madame, i do not believe "etiquacy" is a word.

unlike "hookering" which is a word because it makes me laugh so it must be real.

circular logic FOR THE WIN.
Whatever's a word if I can say and spell it. Don't make me prove you wrong. .....cuz you know I will