Prostitution (but not pimping) is legal in Columbia. Don't expect girls to speak any English. There are several venues to get girls in Columbia:
1. The way to set up many of the better girls in Medellin is through facebook. Get a few suggestions from guys and go through their friends list. Most of the girls are semi-pro. They probably think of themselves as non-prostitutes who make money on the side having fun with guys. My experience with these girls is that its nearly the only way to get GFE. Often very good looking girls and pictures seem to match up with looks in real life. 150,000 pesos is normal for shorttime. 200,000 is better for them. expect to pay their taxis to/from your place and sometimes babysitting costs. 300,000 lowest longtime, but 400,000 is better.
2. Stay at the Mansion: . This hotel has a bar where over 10 girls come and hang out during evenings. They are all available. You cannot gain entry unless a guest invites you or you are staying there. If you can get in, the girls are nice and talk to you. I believe the girls hang out at the pool during the day, and you can bring any of them to your room. Pretty good looking girls. Although the closest to girlie bars in SE Asia, the hotel does not pay the girls nor makes money off them. The girls do not make money off the drinks. This place is made for major fucking at your convenience. Same prices for girls as #1.
3. Parque Lleras in El Poblado. There are many freelancers here during the evening and night. I had a friend who had much success here. Many look good. Same prices for girls as #1.
4. Mayorista street in Itagüí. There is a sketchy street. Although a smaller percentage of girls are good looking, there tons of girls hanging outside at night for you. Several sketchy bars and cheap food. Girls from 30,000 pesos to 150,000 pesos, but average is about 70,000 pesos.
5. Casas. These are brothels. They are unmarked and you will never find them without a cab driver. Usually located in bad areas. many have girls for 38,000 pesos for 1/2 hr, 70,000 pesos 1 hr. Most expensive is 140,000 pesos for 1 hr, and much nicer. Some are very crappy. More expensive ones have girls that are less worn out and higher class.
a. Casa Sexys. This is the best value and some good looking girls. $38,000 1/2 hr, $70,000 1 hr.
b. Casa New Life. This is about same cost but unpleasant atmosphere but very busy because cheap price. Close to Sexys. Calle 56 (Bolivia) No. 43-39 2nd Piso entra el palo y Girardot Tel 216 27 04
c. Centro de Relajacio Corporal Energy. $140,000 1 hr. Best girls but pricey. Has a secret garage to park your car without being seen. Cra 74 No. 49-101 Telefono 436 11 31. www.
6. Do not expect to pick up local girls and game them. They aren't really open to it.
Hotel Centra Plaza
Carrera 50a No. 81a-15
362 33 80
www.hotelcentralplazamedellin. com
About $15-20/night. Has a safe in a small room. No AC or heat. Safe place. Restaurant attached. A 5 min walk from the action on Mayoriste street. Does not charge for overnight guests and will take down ID info if they stay night. But, shortterm guests can just be brought up to the room. They do not make sure you're okay after the girl leaves
This hostel has very nice rooms for about $45/night. Do not charge for shortterm guests. Overnight guests are about $10. I hear they keep the IDs and make sure you're okay afterwards. Full of backpackers. Close to Parque lleros. . Already discussed. Not located close to El Poblado but close to the Oviodo mall.
The best driver to bring you to casas, girls, and tourist spots is Jimmy Giraldo.
Cra 46 #60-55 Prado Centro
Office (54 4) 412 86 07
Cell 314 870 62 28
More expensive per hour than cabs, but speaks English and knows a lot. Will keep you safe.