Sex shops

Hi North Dallas...

Just wondering if anyone can tell me where the best place or secret places for sex toys and movies ect.. Anything sexy will work for me

First time visit and wanting to check out Dallas while I'm here

Thanks in Advance
New fine arts. Top notch
If you're looking for sexy clothes, i love Electrique Boutique. Love New Fine Arts for toys, movies and some outfits. Also Sara's Secret...smaller compared to NFA but cute clothes and toys. Had a "friend" buy me a really cute outfit from either Condoms to Go or Condom Sense. There is a huge variety of stores to choose from. Depends on price you'll spend, selection you want, and distance you'll drive. Good luck. Let us know where you decide to go and whatcha think of the place you go.

Awesome... Thanks! I will definitely will go check them out!
Jake B's Avatar
Any outfits you end up buying will require and obligatory picture of you in them though :P
Oh of course Jake