Rapid DNA Analyzers Coming to Every Police Station and TSA Checkpoint in America

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
More invasion of privacy on innocent people, coming to you from the government. What could possibly go wrong? Let's just repeal the Bill of Rights officially, and get it over with.

From the article:

If you’re not doing anything wrong, then you’ve got nothing to worry about, right?

That seems to be the pervasive logic of an increasing number of government officials and agencies that have forgotten the uniquely American legal principle of being presumed innocent until proven guilty. How else to explain the acceptance and widespread employment of technology that gathers potential evidence on everyone indiscriminately, whether they’ve been suspected of creating a crime or not?

According to the Electronic Freedom Frontier, a group that advocates for privacy rights in the digital age, “In the amount of time it takes to get lunch, the government can now collect your DNA and extract a profile that identifies you and your family members” using a device called a Rapid DNA Analyzer, which can “process DNA in 90 minutes or less.”

Guilty until proven…innocent?

The EFF says these machines are not the imagination of science fiction writers. Rather, the group says they are “an operational reality” and are currently being marketed to federal, state and local law enforcement agencies all around the nation.

The device, according to GE Life Sciences, in conjunction with NetBio, Inc., “is a self-contained unit with all the accessories you need to conduct a full DNA analysis.” Designed for field use by non-scientific personnel, the laser printer-sized machines will soon “revolutionize the use of DNA by making it a routine identification and investigational tool.”

“Major applications include criminal forensics, military human identification, biothreat detection, and clinical diagnostics. NetBio believes that widespread use of RDA, particularly in the field and at the point of care, will improve both the safety, and health of society,” says a description of its machine by NetBio [http://netbio.com/].

The sky is not falling, the police state is rising.

Any word on whether a single one of these alleged devices has been purchased by a single police department or the TSA? By the way, where (other than airports) are these TSA "checkpoints" you constantly refer to?

Assuming at least one has been sold to a police department or the TSA, any evidence that the device has been used in violation of a single person's rights?

That's what I thought. The sky is falling. Another COG post gets blown up.

Any word on whether a single one of these alleged devices has been purchased by a single police department or the TSA? By the way, where (other than airports) are these TSA "checkpoints" you constantly refer to?

Assuming at least one has been sold to a police department or the TSA, any evidence that the device has been used in violation of a single person's rights?

That's what I thought. The sky is falling. Another COG post gets blown up.

Originally Posted by timpage
No worries Timmy this shit is all a lie.

Damn that is as fast as Google.
joe bloe's Avatar
I notice that GE is the manufacturer. Jeffrey Immelt's "special friendship" with Obama certainly has it's rewards. I wonder if Obama makes him swallow. Maybe GE will get a contract to run the FEMA camps.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-11-2013, 07:36 AM
I notice that GE is the manufacturer. Jeffrey Immelt's connection to the Obama administration certainly has it's rewards. I wonder if GE will get a contract to run the FEMA camps. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Your volume of dumb comments seems to be increasing.

Assume for a moment that the government wants to purchase some new technology like this--if you want to argue COG's point of view that they shouldn't, that is a valid but different argument. IF they are going to buy it, how many other suppliers are out there? Are you saying the gov't should not but anything from any democratic supporter for the next four years, even if that is the only source on the market?

This is not at all like Cheney sending $Bs to his former company in a completely non-competitive set of contracts, is it? Where those services WERE easily available from enough companies that they should have been procured competitively. Where is your outrage to that?

Do you have any info that Obama was involved in--or even aware of--such a small purchase as this? I would be very interested in knowing if you do. But in the Chaney situation we know he was because he publicly announced it--it was his personal push.

So please, explain why you are so upset about a (by comparison) small procurement that may have only had one source (I don't know that part, but new technologies often are proprietary in some way), but you had no concern about huge dollars flowing unaccounted for to a former VP's company? Don't tell me the only difference is whose administration it was--right and wrong are not the exclusive purview of either party, no matter what you and some others believe.
joe bloe's Avatar
GE built the first electric chair too. Edison designed it himself.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
No worries Timmy this shit is all a lie.

http://articles.latimes.com/2011/dec...oints-20111220 Originally Posted by steamyromance
How does that prove my post is a lie? First of all, it doesn't mention the machine, and the article is over a year old.
How does that prove my post is a lie? First of all, it doesn't mention the machine, and the article is over a year old. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
I think he is being sarcastic to Timpage.

Timpage demanded to know where the TSA checkpoints were - besides airports.

The article mentions that the TSA is already patrolling transportation facilities OTHER THAN airports. Per the article, TSA is now in train and bus stations, ferry terminals, ports, etc.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I missed sarcasm? I better get another cup of coffee.

No worries Timmy this shit is all a lie.

http://articles.latimes.com/2011/dec...oints-20111220 Originally Posted by steamyromance
Article says the'yre patrolling and doing screening at some mass transit facilities. Good for them, doing their jobs. Don't see anything about checkpoints. By the way, do you oppose security for folks that ride trains and buses? You know about the railway bombings in Spain, right? And the bus bombing in London?
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 01-11-2013, 10:51 AM
well, if the TSA is going to check the dna of every sob that rides the subs in NYC, the testing method better be fucking RAPID ... wouldnt you agree COF?
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 01-11-2013, 10:56 AM
GE built the first electric chair too. Edison designed it himself. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Clearly they were sent the money to do that via a secret budget bill pushed through in the first Obama administration. I'm pretty sure I heard about that one in a closed door House Appropriations committee three years ago.

The reality is, Edison was more than a tad bit weird in a lot of ways.
I missed sarcasm? I better get another cup of coffee.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy

Don't get checked it will determine you are the great grandson of Farting Cow the chief of the flatulent tribe who has cleared movie theaters restaurants and is a death sentence in a elevatiator.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You people really like living in a police state, don't you?