Happy 2012 ECCIE girls

Just wanted to wish a happy new year to all of the wonderful girls of eccie,ive had the pleasure of meeting a handful of you and your all great.My wish for all you is to be safe and hope that your always treated with kindness and respect,as a father who has a daughter the same age as a lot of you i wish for you the same things as i do for het,you deserve it.
Thanks Darlin,
Ringing in the New Year, was Quite Nice!!
Thanks the Fun & Well Wishes,
I hope the New Year is as Awesome as You Can Handle. lol
Happy New Year again.
Britttany_love's Avatar
Hey sweetie hope you had a great new year!!!
Thanks for the sentiment! Wishing the same for you!

I haven't had the pleasure of meeting you beautiful women BUT I send best wishes and plenty kisses! I hope all of your NY'S bring you great health and lots of wealth!
Guest102312's Avatar
Happy New Year to you as well.
Happy New year to Everyone!

Safire Sweet
squiretuck's Avatar
Ditto what kevins stated!!!
Thank you!!! Hope your's was a great one as well
Thank you Kevin and Suiretuck ;-) xoxoxo
guest031812's Avatar
Thanks babe you too!
Thank you so much! How very nice of you and I hope that you and everyone else enjoyed theirs as well!
ztonk's Avatar
  • ztonk
  • 01-03-2012, 05:40 PM
Let me add my best wishes to all the lovely ladies on the board as well!

Please feel free to continue posting in Coed for the rest of the year... The testosterone in this forum could use some tempering!

(And remember the Ignore option is there for a reason...)

Nina Sparxx's Avatar
Happy Peaceful and Prosperous New Year!
tia travels's Avatar
I'm an Eccie girl, so I say THANK YOU for the wishes. May 2012 be a memorable year for you in the most favorable ways.