Principals Office

So who else here was a regular visitor to the principals office??

I started my career in grammar school... some time in the third grade.... kind of a late bloomer I guess... I know that by the time I made it to 8th grade... they were pretty much happy to be sending me off to catholic high school...
Gotta admit that the nuns in grammar school scared me WAY more than the high school teachers and admins....
generalbob's Avatar
In hi skoul my father and the principal became friends. Old man had to drag me in there at least twice a month to get me reinstated. Always have had problem with authorities.
My high school was more than happy to see me go. The times, at that time, were a changing, just before hemp became an issue with attention span in the classes. They were wishing they had good kids like me back.
generalbob's Avatar
I would have been fine if they would've just allowed me an occasional smoke break and weren't so fucking hung up on not sleeping at your desk.
Ceremony's Avatar
Never got in trouble.
When I got sent to the principals office I'd just get in my car and leave

After a while they would call me out of homeroom so I just skipped it,never went back

They would call the house my brother said I was sick

I took all regents courses.. back then if you passed the final test you got credit
even if you failed all year
they did't have english regents so I had to go to that class occasionally
Oh god. We had multiple principals cycle through. I'd get sent down to the office for sleeping through classes all the time but I'd never miss 15 days in a row and I'd show up most fridays for tests/quizzes and exams so they couldn't expel me.

The one day, some moron tried to sell me PT in the cafeteria. I told him don't be a moron and you're going to get kicked out when the drug dogs come (they would lock down the classrooms and have drug dogs come sniff through all the lockers and backpacks randomly a couple times a month) and I told that kid to knock it off. Lunch lady over heard it.

Vice principal shitstick was peeling apart the individual pieces of bologna in my Bologna and horse radish mustard sandwich looking for PT.

I flipped out on him for not checking about 12 other places on my person/backpack/shoes/ and owing me a "new fucking bologna sandwich you god damn deli meat molester" and they never called me back down to the office for anything again after that. It was beautiful.
KaylaRyder's Avatar
I'm sure it will surprise all of u but I had a major issue with authority figures in elementary, middle and highschool..I was very opinionated and didn't take kindly to being yelled at.. so much has changed since then : )
generalbob's Avatar
I'm sure it will surprise all of u but I had a major issue with authority figures in elementary, middle and highschool..I was very opinionated and didn't take kindly to being yelled at.. so much has changed since then : ) Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
I hope you are using the sarcasm front because the school girl Kayla sounds a lot like present day Kayla!!! Speaking of school a plaid skirt and knee socks???
KaylaRyder's Avatar
I hope you are using the sarcasm front because the school girl Kayla sounds a lot like present day Kayla!!! Speaking of school a plaid skirt and knee socks??? Originally Posted by generalbob
We do sound alot alike lol
And of course I have a plaid skirt and knee socks, what catholic school girl doesnt? I hemmed mine nice and short, got in trouble for that also!!
But once I bent over the principles desk he relised what a good girl I can be ; )
bustybabygirl's Avatar
I've been a good girl my whole life. I actually never got sent to the principals office or dentition.
generalbob's Avatar
I've been a good girl my whole life. I actually never got sent to the principals office or dentition. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
Very glad to see you're making up for lost time!
generalbob's Avatar
We do sound alot alike lol
And of course I have a plaid skirt and knee socks, what catholic school girl doesnt? I hemmed mine nice and short, got in trouble for that also!!
But once I bent over the principles desk he relised what a good girl I can be ; ) Originally Posted by KaylaRyder
Principal Bob will be alone in his office all day today. You should stop by in that outfit and show me what happened after you bent over the desk!
You know what they say about the Catholic girls.
  • maker
  • 03-19-2016, 08:50 AM
I've been a good girl my whole life. I actually never got sent to the principals office or dentition. Originally Posted by bustybabygirl
So...I take it you must have very nice...teeth...