Hobby Stings

If a provider is on time, run. It's a sting.
If they are early, run. It's a sting.
If they are running 30 min to 3 hrs. late, go for it. Coast is clear.
Anything after 3 hrs late should get 1/2 off or an extra hour.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
seems true ta me
Audrey Astor's Avatar
Huh? I would have hoped that you have done your due diligence to ensure that a provider is legitimate, and runs a good business. If not... I don't know what to tell you.

You may be picking duds... if it's a true sting, you would not be here writing this. If you need some help in selecting seasoned good providers, I would get with a seasoned hobbyist that you respect to get some help. Best wishes....
Chung Tran's Avatar
your response is proof that the air really is thinner in Denver..
yourdesire's Avatar
Say what! Fashionably late is one thing if someone waited 3 hrs unless discussed & for good reason I think I might get nervous.
Huh? I would have hoped that you have done your due diligence to ensure that a provider is legitimate, and runs a good business. If not... I don't know what to tell you.

You may be picking duds... if it's a true sting, you would not be here writing this. If you need some help in selecting seasoned good providers, I would get with a seasoned hobbyist that you respect to get some help. Best wishes.... Originally Posted by Audrey Astor
But maybe I’m wrong. What say you Warpt???
Ripmany's Avatar
Cops can be late that work the government"which is big hurry up and weight program."
But maybe I’m wrong. What say you Warpt??? Originally Posted by 14654TP

It's all good. I don't need help, I know most will be late. I may have had 4 or 5 hobby dates in the past few years that were on time. 95% are late. It's a fact of life. You have to be ready for it or you will be very disappointed.
I wasn't starting this thread due to any particular date I had. I posted it because I saw several threads were the guys were irked about the providers being late. I didn't post this on every thread I saw, I just posted it once, here.
And I thought it was ffunny too.
Oh trust Warptcuck, I cracked up when I read your post...I knew you were joking lol.
jamiejo's Avatar
I personally I think it's hilarious! I actually thought you were talking about me. LOL I'm not really in the hobby anymore but eccie is such good entertainment sometimes I can't resist.I don't think I was on time ever not one time. And I have probably 250 reviews on here. That is so damn funny! I saw something else that you posted that was pretty damn funny to I don't remember what it was. But it was funny. I like your style Warptcuck!!
If you get bored or hit the lottery convention or just find yourself in Key Largo Florida hit me up! I would love to chill with you! Chill, hang, get drunk, then screw. Or whatever... I have a bomb ass place right on the canal don't even ask me how!! the grace of God of my dumb luck I suppose.
I'm trying to do this real-world thing now.I'm sure I will get many "It's about time!" replies. LOL and nothing could be more true.
Very happy here in Florida though! It has changed my life. I'm actually on time for everything I do now. Plus being off the dope house. Honest to a fault! That's me is summation point always has been. That's probably why I'm still broke.
Alyssa Monroe's Avatar
Oh trust Warptcuck, I cracked up when I read your post...I knew you were joking lol. Originally Posted by 14654TP
Okay I'm glad I wasn't the only one to catch the joke
jamiejo's Avatar
It was so my exact truth! This one time in Dallas Texas, I was oh, well, we'll just say drunk as fuck, and I was so late! I wanted to get him some really sexy panties for the date. Partially because I care and partially because it would kind of cover my ass for being so fucking late. You know, play the old, "I was getting something for you Daddy" card. So I got sidetracked in a little romantic boutique. Look up and I was like 4 hours late at least. I get there only to find out it's his freaking birthday. I felt like crap! Needless to say he got a shit ton of extra. I may have even given him the sacred not on my menu item. You know, the tight little brand-new starfish. Well, it looks like brand new anyway!