Feedback would be appreciated...

GinaXXX's Avatar
I am seriously considering allowing some small feedback on clients and providers listed on P411. I'm thinking you could then select options from a drop down in regards to your experience with the other side of the equation.

For example:

About Providers
Ease of scheduling
Accuracy of Description
Overall satisfaction

About Clients
Ease of scheduling
Accuracy of Profile

Perhaps a sliding scale of some sort, but no written comments... except perhaps to allow a short comment in response to whatever was selected.

Up until now, I've tried to handle issues behind the scenes... with very good results finding resolutions or removing problem clients or providers. The thing is that the volume of complaints is becoming unmanageable, and the vast majority are extremely minor situations... and I mean EXTREMELY minor.

Anyway, there are some people reading this board who's opinion I really respect, and I'd love to get some feedback on this idea. If you don't feel comfortable posting it publicly, I'm always available via email!

uncle buck 50's Avatar
I think it would be great for the providers and concern is that it might make even more issues for you to handle! I'd hope it wouldn't open the door to "he said, she said" situations that might make your life harder and lead to more referee work than you already face!
Hi Gina,
I think that would be a good idea. Such options on both clients and providers could be viewed by both? I am sure it would help when it came to screening. As well as for the clients as well.
GinaXXX's Avatar
it might make even more issues for you to handle
You're right, it might create even more issues. That's actually why I didn't go in that direction to start with. However, I'm thinking that I could put a policy in place where I no longer handle any issues (other than the most serious), where I just direct people to post an option, or respond to what was posted, or work it out between themselves.

Also, because a person would be attaching their P411 persona to the option, there would be a lesser likelihood of false reporting than there is now.

Such options on both clients and providers could be viewed by both?
Yes, you as a client would be able to view the options selected (about you) by the providers, and you would also have an opportunity to respond to the option selected for other providers to see.

And vice versa.

For example:

About Providers
Ease of scheduling
Accuracy of Description
Overall satisfaction (Recommendation: yes/no)

About Clients
Ease of scheduling
Paid for Time as Agreed
Accuracy of Profile (OK/Not OK)
Etc? Originally Posted by GinaXXX
I would suggest an easy rating: excellent, good, poor. And I would add the subjects listed above in red.
GinaXXX's Avatar
I would add the subjects listed above in red.
Yes, I agree! But what does TCB stand for ... ?

  • npita
  • 03-25-2010, 08:53 PM
Gina, I think adding those things would only increase your email volume, since those ratings just add more things for provider/client disputes.
GinaXXX's Avatar
Gina, I think adding those things would only increase your email volume, since those ratings just add more things for provider/client disputes.
I agree about the increase in email... but currently I act as a go between and I cannot continue putting as much time into it as I do now.

If our policy was that if there is an option selected about you that you don't like, you have two choices... post a short response for others to see, or work it out with the other party so they withdraw it. I would no longer get involved.

It's MUCH easier to send out a standard response than the current method, in which I handle every single complaint individually, acting as a sort of mediator. I just don't want to get in the middle of every little dispute any more.... and on the other hand, I don't want to start ignoring complaints either.

So thus is the connondrum.... how can I remove myself from the job of handling complaints while still giving members (clients and providers) a way to air their grievances or resolve them.

It just definitely cannot continue as it has been, I'm getting burned out being in the middle of petty disputes and I don't really need to be in there in most cases.

I agree about the increase in email... but currently I act as a go between and I cannot continue putting as much time into it as I do now.

If our policy was that if there is an option selected about you that you don't like, you have two choices... post a short response for others to see, or work it out with the other party so they withdraw it. I would no longer get involved.

It's MUCH easier to send out a standard response than the current method, in which I handle every single complaint individually, acting as a sort of mediator. I just don't want to get in the middle of every little dispute any more.... and on the other hand, I don't want to start ignoring complaints either.

So thus is the connondrum.... how can I remove myself from the job of handling complaints while still giving members (clients and providers) a way to air their grievances or resolve them.

It just definitely cannot continue as it has been, I'm getting burned out being in the middle of petty disputes and I don't really need to be in there in most cases.

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
I think this is a great idea. When are you planning on implementing this?
I am seriously considering allowing some small feedback on clients and providers listed on P411. I'm thinking you could then select options from a drop down in regards to your experience with the other side of the equation.

For example:

About Providers
Ease of scheduling
Accuracy of Description
Overall satisfaction

About Clients
Ease of scheduling
Accuracy of Profile

Perhaps a sliding scale of some sort, but no written comments... except perhaps to allow a short comment in response to whatever was selected.
I would agree no written comments/zero, none! IF implemented.
Up until now, I've tried to handle issues behind the scenes... with very good results finding resolutions or removing problem clients or providers. The thing is that the volume of complaints is becoming unmanageable, and the vast majority are extremely minor situations... and I mean EXTREMELY minor. Your site goal was to provide a source for proven/trusted providers and hobbyists. Minor incidents or mishaps (caused by human nature) are not issues relevant to your sites core values. Mediating between a Provider and Hobbyist for the sake of peace (between the two of them) is not in your job description.

Anyway, there are some people reading this board who's opinion I really respect, and I'd love to get some feedback on this idea. If you don't feel comfortable posting it publicly, I'm always available via email!

Gina Originally Posted by GinaXXX
First, thank you for the site as is. Adding another element may cause or add to your "E" mail burden (as mentioned by others). Define guidelines for "complaints" considering "minor". Again I refer to your sites (my interpretation) core value - Proven/Trusted Providers and Hobbyists.
Metal Smith
I think it is an excellent idea with a few of the highlighted changes. It would give more information and alllow a more streamlined process of "okaying". I would like to be able to give my clients more of an option of rating me as well.

Of course it will be a little hard in the start as most people are resistant to change but after the dust setttles I think it will work great.

Thanks for asking for input.

Fast Eddie's Avatar
I think it would be a terrible idea. Does service at this time does not let the hobbyist rate the provider? It would also allow your service to become tilted to the providers point of view. Just my $0.02.
Try the changes as you see fit. State that they are temporary. If the new system does not work out modify it or drop it as seems best.

Realize that you cannot keep all the people happy all of the time.
Jake2.1's Avatar
I never knew that you could complain back on your site. I figured the providers had a way to speak to each other. Figured the client side of the story would always play out in forums such as this one.

I say that if you plan on some sort of feedback mechanism that you make it for no comments and make it clear that issues should be dealt with between the provider and client. I tend to agree with Mr Smith that your site is a place for clients to find quality providers and not to make another review site.

At most I would think something in the order of the review bar chart on Amazon. Like showing an average for all of the feedback.
Gina, thank you so much for such of a fantastic site that I get about 99% of my business from! If it wasn't for you, I wouldn't be able to indulge in such of a great thing.

I think that you would be asking for trouble implementing a new system like that. First off, the gentlemen are the ones paying for the service, I do not beleive they should be rated at all...just a simple 'ok' is wonderful. If you would like a bit more then that, then perhaps something along the lines of what datecheck does...

Option #1 - Yes, I have met and I HIGHLY RECOMMEND. (Request is Approved)
Option #2 - Yes, I have met and I RECOMMEND. (Request is Approved)
Option #3 - Yes, I have met this member and YMMV. (Request is Approved)
Option #4 - No, I have NOT met this person. (Request is DECLINED)
Option #5 - Send an email requesting more info. (Request Remains Pending)
Option #6 - Yes, I have met and I DO NOT RECOMMEND. (WARNING)

As far as rating them based on Hygiene, timeliness, etc., that is such of a YMMV type of thing, and considering it is their dime, I don't think they should be rated like that. Now as far as rating the ladies, well that is like a review...perhaps you should just continue with the excellant service you do provide for everyone and let the reviews remain on the review boards. With all of that being said, P411 is my home, and whatever changes you decide to make I am sure you will make it work! We love you Gina!