Police need a warrant to search cell phone of suspects

dallasfan's Avatar
That was what the Supreme Court court ruled today.

Good thing to know if you ever get busted.
The simplest way to enforce that is to password protect your phone.

Ladies, if you get arrested, you do not have to give them any unlock codes, usernames and passwords, or any other info which might incriminate you.

I have heard the stores from some ladies who got popped that were told if they gave up their account info or let them look at their phone, they would just get a ticket and be released.

You never have to consent to a search or give up info such as your lock code or account info. They will release you anyway and a good judge will not give them a warrant to go on a fishing expedition.

Stay out of Oklahoma. The police their will give you a felony state charge of using a computer device for unlawful activity for using the Internet to advertise or communicate with your date. It is a bullshit charge which has yet to be challenged in court.
Jake B's Avatar
I heard this on NPR today. Awesome ruling.