Buh-bye, Yssup Rider. We will miss you...

Well, Kim Jong-Un has picked the US targets to be destroyed by North Korea's missiles. And they are Hawaii, Washington DC, Los Angeles, and (drum roll please) .... AUSTIN!


The little troll is going to light up 6th Street. His idea of "Keep Austin weird" is to make it glow in the dark.

See, I TOLD you that SXSW had jumped the shark.

But noooooooo, would you listen?
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
He saw the original Red Dawn and knows the capital of Texas (and therefore the US) is Austin.
JCM800's Avatar

See, I TOLD you that SXSW had jumped the shark Originally Posted by ExNYer
I guess he's not a fan ....we better get Rodman back out there to settle that little fucker down.
Yssup Rider's Avatar

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Talk about a textbook case of ambivalence.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
You know, we should have thought to that years ago. Now if only Whatzup would tell me where he lives and then my nephew can visit him. He lives in Austin as well. So there is at least one hetero male in town.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Funny, Junk Whisperer. Tell your nephew Im not gonna show HIM my junk either!

If we all pray real hard, Whiny, maybe North Korea will put Salina on their list. Then you could REALLY shit yourself.
Funny, Junk Whisperer. Tell your nephew Im not gonna show HIM my junk either!

If we all pray real hard, Whiny, maybe North Korea will put Salina on their list. Then you could REALLY shit yourself. Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
JCM800's Avatar
Now if only Whatzup would tell me where he lives and then my nephew can visit him. He lives in Austin as well. So there is at least one hetero male in town. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
i don't think your nephew qualifies for the sandbox fight club
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, I'll have people in Kansas soon. Why not tell me where YOU live, BSwine!

They'll bring their junk...
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
You're kind of obsessed with male genitalia, aren't you, Assup? Something must have happened to you, which would explain all the tawdry and ignorant posts that come from you. It's sad. You need to talk to a professional about this. You'll feel better. You won't be any smarter, (sorry), but you will be less irritating.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Yes, Whatzup is obsessed with junk (genitals to the rest of us). It seems that 87% of his posts (look it up) have something to do with junk. Why do you keep bringing up Salina? Just stupid?

He was probably molested by a close male relative growing up like an uncle or father (or both if they are the same person).
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Naw. I stopped in Salina to take a shit on my way to Colorado. (Which is where most self respecting Texans buy property to rent to assholes like you) and I noticed a wretched creep skulking around the bus station. Reminded me of gollum in Lord of the rings. Hadn't seen sunlight in months. Bathed in weeks... We ALL KNOW WHO IT WAS.

As far as the junk discussion, ask yourself why Bswine hasn't denied his attraction for my dick and balls.. So much so that he's doing more research on my nads than he is on the arguments he presents.

.this is scary, aggressive homo psycho here... sorry BSWine. The proof's in the posting.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
The proof is in the posting, eh, Assup? Then you are the aggressive homo psycho who posts more about other men's junk than anyone else.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Where is Salina anyway? Sounds like a place for the vagrants from Texas to migrate to.

I called Salina and they said they remember you

Don't worry, he's not dead. Whatzup returned to Texas to live a crappy life.