Keeping quiet about success

DunnJackNoff's Avatar
I know I’m not the only one who has done this. I have been a member here for YEARS. I go to a LOT of AMPs - have probably been to all of the ones in Tyler area. When I stumble onto a place where I get a little (or a lot) something extra, out of fear of losing it, I keep the info to myself. I’m afraid (1) she will get too busy to be available when I want to go (2) she will get busted by either the owner of the place or LE or (3) she will find out I posted a review and quit taking care of me.
I know I’m not the only one finding gems but there are never any reviews on them ANYwhere. If anyone has any info on how to spread the word or learn of new places, let me know. I’m not interested in sending my secret honey holes to just anyone who wants to know so if my inbox gets flooded with “please tell me where I should go” I don’t see much benefit for me unless I am also getting intel. What do you think? Is anyone else thinking the same thing?
That's a solid post right there!!
  • Mt_75
  • 05-15-2023, 05:52 AM
I dont get on eccie much but occasionally I do and this is a solid point here.

Finding a place in tyler that gives that extra care and sharing it can go sideways quick.

(Old account) - i posted a place years back and the next three times i went there was a guy in there with her and one waiting. About 45 days later it got shut down.

Always hard to share to the masses, even on a private members only section.

Now I rarely hobby and scouting out massage parlors is almost too risky

I feel like the old quote “keep it secret, keep it safe” applies to most guys here when they do find a gem.
DunnJackNoff's Avatar
I actually don’t mint the hunt.. I don’t find it as risky as much as time consuming and expensive. I have been to as many as 3 AMPs in one day. At $60-70 each +tip, I could have gone straight to a “sure thing” and saved time/money. Sometimes the challenge of seeing what I can get is exciting.
Skullyman13's Avatar
I have tried most AMP's in Tyler with no luck. I rarely go as well. Maybe some new faces out there. I would be in your debt if you could point me in that direction. Just once and I am good. I do t have the money to waste like the last guy. Lol. I will not post or visit more than once. Your secret will continue to be safe. You can PM me. Thanks.
Damned if you do, damned if you dont....keeping it tight lipped only benefits you and the provider/establishment wont see any new business. Which would more than likely have the quit and or relocate. If you do share good intel it could attract the wrong attention...����♂️
DunnJackNoff's Avatar
If have tried most AMPs with no success you may be doing something wrong. If approached correctly the majority are willing to give a little extra (some more than others). If they have any suspicions or there are no signals that you would be open for more- they will give you the standard massage and say “finish”. In fact, of all the AMPs in Tyler (there are at least 10), I have only totally struck out at 2 of them. It is definitely a YMMV situation because I have heard of others having success where I didn’t.
Inquiring1's Avatar
It's been my experience and I've been around for quite a while that any amp that provides extras doesn't go out of business for lack of business irregardless of types of advertising. It's the other factors such as personnel turnover/service change and LE that most drastically determine their viability.
DunnJackNoff ... clear some space in your INBOX.
DunnJackNoff's Avatar
I emptied it-I think. Sorry- I don’t know how to navigate this site. I think I clear it and messages from 3 years ago pop back up.
deacon15pd's Avatar
It is a tough decision to post! You don’t want to mess up what you found. It would be nice to be able to communicate the good ones with out fear that the wrong person or agency sees it and then it goes away. I just want to know where Tyler has 10 places??? I can’t think of 10…..
DunnJackNoff's Avatar
There are 3 on the south loop (Home depot area, PamperU, China massage, and a new one) ..2 on Broadway (happy feet by wal mart and one by where’s Rufus).. Pure massage on Grande (never got any action there).. magic near the hospital… 1 on troop hwy by car wash.. iMassage.. sy foot massage.. and 1 more on north loop. -that’s 10. Sorry I don’t know the names or exact addresses but they are all there. Could be more that I’m missing.
There are 3 on the south loop (Home depot area, PamperU, China massage, and a new one) ..2 on Broadway (happy feet by wal mart and one by where’s Rufus).. Pure massage on Grande (never got any action there).. magic near the hospital… 1 on troop hwy by car wash.. iMassage.. sy foot massage.. and 1 more on north loop. -that’s 10. Sorry I don’t know the names or exact addresses but they are all there. Could be more that I’m missing. Originally Posted by DunnJackNoff
china massage on 69 will do some teasing but nothing more. Been there multiple times, excellent massage though. Both ladies said they aren't allowed too and to go other places. One of them wanted to do it I could tell. What's a good place to go that also does a good massage? I have very physical job so I definitely want my money's worth. Thanks!
DunnJackNoff's Avatar
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DunnJackNoff's Avatar
The problem is, even if you find someone you like that does the things you want, she probably won’t be there the next time you go. I am on the lookout myself since my favorites have all moved away. If anyone has a hidden gem I’d appreciate the intel.