So the U.S. drone strike killed innocent children..

Nope - didn't kill any ISIS-K but we did hit the kids. Un-fucking-believable. The Biden administeration is an embarrasment on the world stage. And people thought Trump was an embarrasment. Jeeze, I hope all these fuckers that voted for that loser Biden are happy the way his shit is going down. Please note - I am using the word "fuckers" because it's gender netural.
winn dixie's Avatar
#10 - Topics regarding children, and certain images depicting children are not material for an adult-themed board. You must be at least 18 years of age to register and participate here, and along those lines, our subject matter is to surround individuals of the proper age range. Any mention or reference to underage sex is strictly forbidden and may result in loss of your posting privileges.
CryptKicker's Avatar
The general discussion here is allowed. Some exceptions do apply. The topic doesn't pertain to children. It pertains to the failure of the drone attack which resulted in innocent people, including children, being killed. This is outside of the spirit of guideline #10.
winn dixie's Avatar
Ive always seen topics about underage persons shut down.

Guess this is way in the grey? I stay well away from that on this subject. Even coming from a Trump supporter
Precious_b's Avatar
Collateral damage (lovely phrase) is a reality in all armed conflicts. No matter the administration.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Sweet as always, Ellen.
FatCity's Avatar
didn't kill any ISIS-K but we did hit the kids.. Originally Posted by Austin Ellen
yeah, but the overall death toll is extremely small and drone strike benefits far outweigh the risks.
Its just a few kids, but generally drone strikes are both SAFE and EFFECTIVE
Passion2015's Avatar
It’s about time someone is banned that needs to be banned.

That person is a menace to society.

Good job Eccie mods
Precious_b's Avatar
It’s about time someone is banned that needs to be banned.

That person is a menace to society.

Good job Eccie mods Originally Posted by Passion2015
Y'ah think?
Probably just "Biden" her time.

winn dixie's Avatar
Fly fly my pretties
Wow. You guys get kicked off OH2 for being jerks and you come back here to diss a mod from there. That's the only reason you guys be bitching and crying. No wonder you all are losers. I haven't posed in a long time but back then - when you derailed a thread - you got points and banned.
Get a life - ya fucking losers.

By the way - the mod from OH2 that you are dissing has more intelligence then any of you assholes. SMH
Dude, what the fuck? Did she hurt your little feelers?
Go crawl back under the rock you came out of - ya fucking loser.

It’s about time someone is banned that needs to be banned.

That person is a menace to society.

Good job Eccie mods Originally Posted by Passion2015
winn dixie's Avatar
Thank You for your posts.
Grace Preston's Avatar

By the way - the mod from OH2 that you are dissing has more intelligence then any of you assholes. SMH Originally Posted by fbpDave

Yet.... can't spell "administration" and "embarrassment".

One gets banned from repeat infractions of board rules. On this board, it takes several infractions. So while she may be a mod on OH2-- she seems to have a problem playing by the rules here. Which-- is ironic since its harder to get banned here than it is there.
Precious_b's Avatar
Well. Looks like game on.