
  • Cdids
  • 08-07-2018, 08:39 PM
NCNS...twice. I know, I know... fool me once shame on you, fool me twice. I was lured in by a young tight body that is relatively nearby. Set up a meet, she wanted me to meet her at a nearby shop n save. Responded to my 5 minutes away text, then went dark. Sat there for 30 minutes (like a fool, I’ll add). Sent a trains leaving the station text, to which she responded she’s on foot and will be there in one minute. I looped back around, sat for another 15, still no sign of her so I left. This was Sunday. Tonight, same deal. Asked if she was available, she said yes. I said meet at 930?, no response. 930 rolls around, hey sorry I missed your text, let’s meet. I say I’ll be there in 20. Send a 5 minute heads up text, no response and turned around. I bet she’s a great time if you get her to actually meet, I just haven’t been so lucky. Oh well. YMMV, I just hope yinz get better gas mileage than I do at least.
  • Cdids
  • 08-07-2018, 08:40 PM
I guess if you’re keeping score at home, that was technically 3 NCNS.
Count yourself Very Lucky!

She usually just does a CND as me and others can confirm.

I even knew the girl before I knew she was on SA.
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She did NC/NS with me the first time I tried to meet up with her. I have seen her three times since and always a good session.