Trump's tax return audit.

FrankZappa's Avatar
Obviously Trumps tax returns will be audited soon. He stole 60K from a charity that was supposed to be going to the poor to buy a picture of himself.

Who voted for this dumbfuck narcissist. Lol, Trump voters voted for a guy who steals from a charity to buy a picture of himself to hang in his own country club.

I can't wait until the insurance companies go after him.
winn dixie's Avatar
Can i have onions on that double cheese nothing burger!
I want that large airliner full of cash that cuntillary and odumbo gave another country back..
FrankZappa's Avatar
Really, then why won't he let anyone see his tax returns. You actually believe that shit. He lies about how much money he has. He is a fact billionaire and people have known that for years.

You guys are going to be shitting bricks very soon. The Southern District is looking at all of his stuff from stealing from charities and insurance companies as well as meetings with selling our country out to Russia for personal gain. You need to find an exit plan, because the orange man will be wearing an orange jumpsuit.
winn dixie's Avatar
He does not have to show his returns! Its no ones business!
winn dixie's Avatar
The beef is where did all of cuntillaries e-mails go? That is what needs to be looked in to.
Really, then why won't he let anyone see his tax returns. You actually believe that shit. He lies about how much money he has. He is a fact billionaire and people have known that for years.

You guys are going to be shitting bricks very soon. The Southern District is looking at all of his stuff from stealing from charities and insurance companies as well as meetings with selling our country out to Russia for personal gain. You need to find an exit plan, because the orange man will be wearing an orange jumpsuit. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
Soooo is it going to be tax evasion/fraud or collusion...make up your...WISH-LIST!!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Actually, Frank, they’re sitting bricks now.

They’ve got to build that wall!
The_Waco_Kid's Avatar
Obviously Trumps tax returns will be audited soon. He stole 60K from a charity that was supposed to be going to the poor to buy a picture of himself.

Who voted for this dumbfuck narcissist. Lol, Trump voters voted for a guy who steals from a charity to buy a picture of himself to hang in his own country club.

I can't wait until the insurance companies go after him. Originally Posted by FrankZappa


Actually, Frank, they’re sitting bricks now.

They’ve got to build that wall! Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Where are the bricks being your cave??
If the are being set now I hope they didn't forget the mortar...otherwise you could escape your cave!!
You need to find an exit plan, because the orange man will be wearing an orange jumpsuit. Originally Posted by FrankZappa
The exit plan has been in place since the election. On comes Pence. Boom!!

Most aren't tied to trump. He was just better than anything the left had to offer.
FrankZappa's Avatar
Soooo is it going to be tax evasion/fraud or collusion...make up your...WISH-LIST!! Originally Posted by bb1961
I guarantee to you it is both with a list of many other crimes.
both tax and collusion?

the collusion story was fake from the outset and any rational person should have known it

in feb 2018 adam schiff said he had "non-public" evidence of collusion, I guess he couldn't talk about it as it was "non-public"

in feb 2019 he says There is ample evidence of collusion of the campaign, and it’s very much in the public record

the guy has nothing but blather and lies and innuendo and claims that since this happened then that might have happened and to find out we have to keep investigating

what he wishes to do is investigate every aspect of a person, not investigate a crime.

will an unlimited investigation into every aspect of your life, personal, professional, financial find something that can be used to publicly shame you? I dare say yes.

there is an orchestrated movement for impeachment and its been there from the moment trump was elected

there have been so many charges that have been jumped on, facts misconstrued, and motives assumed that have all failed and been found false but that doesn't slow these people down

they just grab on to another supposition and scream on

a reasonable and rational person would wait for something real like the next election
Unique_Carpenter's Avatar

BAHAHAHAAA Originally Posted by The_Waco_Kid
OK, the peach pic is a nice touch
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Didn’t Twitler call the Wall “Peaches?”

Or is that his pet name for Kim Jong Un? They fell in love, you know...
rexdutchman's Avatar
Keep trying , I see Russians