Obama’s blue dress.......

bambino's Avatar
There’s lots of cum stains on it! The DNA is now being examined. The most corrupt President in history! Stay tuned.
eccieuser9500's Avatar
Is this another Republican/white-Nationalist/Nazi/Conservative/Reactionary Right, butt-hurt, crybaby, distortion circle-jerk infotainment thread aimed at just getting attention? Again?!

Trump administration asks Supreme Court to shield secret Mueller grand jury materials


The move comes after a federal appeals court in Washington ruled earlier this year that the administration could not keep under wraps certain materials stemming from Mueller's 22-month investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election.

The Democratic-led House Judiciary Committee has long argued that access to the information would provide a more complete picture of Mueller's findings related to Trump's alleged obstruction of the special counsel's nearly two-year probe, as well his 2016 campaign's interactions with Russian government officials.

Most corrupt in history?

You mangy sheep are certainly inculcated.
HedonistForever's Avatar
Is this another Republican/white-Nationalist/Nazi/Conservative/Reactionary Right, butt-hurt, crybaby, distortion circle-jerk infotainment thread aimed at just getting attention? Again?!

Trump administration asks Supreme Court to shield secret Mueller grand jury materials

Originally Posted by eccieuser9500

Now here is the justification that 9500 decided not to share with you, in case you decided not to read the full article, for the request.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) argued in its filing that breaching grand jury secrecy would have a chilling effect on future witnesses.

"Absent assurances of secrecy, 'many prospective witnesses would be hesitant to come forward voluntarily,' and those who do come forward 'would be less likely to testify fully and frankly,'" the DOJ wrote, citing prior Supreme Court decisions.

DOJ lawyers also argued that the lower court's ruling was "particularly misguided" given that the initial rationale for access to the materials - the House impeachment inquiry - had already concluded by the time the March decision was handed down.
Grand jury testimony for the above stated reason is suppose to remain secret unless there is a compelling interest in it's release. How can there be a compelling interest when the person who lead the grand jury ( of course we know Mueller didn't do that because he wasn't competent enough to do that ) gave his findings being fully aware of the grand jury testimony.

What, you don't trust Mueller to tell you what he heard?

Funny you didn't hear 9500 demanding the secret testimony Adam Schiff has held onto until today which is when we finally learn how Schiff knew there was no proof that the Trump campaign colluded with Russia.

Oh! Wait, there was no such proof in any of the documents Schiff refused to release until the new DNI made him release them?

What do you mean that not a single one of those 57 witnesses including Clapper, McCabe, Susan Rice, Samantha Power, Sally Yates alluded to any knowledge of any collusion that Schiff said he had evidence of?

Sorry 9500 but this whole House of Lies is about to crumble and there is no misdirection from Mr. Misdirection, You, that's going to change that. You and yours are done for you just don't know it yet and will I suppose never admit, not surprisingly. It's not a good look for somebody who started out questioning me with what seemed like an interested mind which has now disappeared. Kinda sad.

How do you like my writing now?
HedonistForever's Avatar
There’s lots of cum stains on it! The DNA is now being examined. The most corrupt President in history! Stay tuned. Originally Posted by bambino

I want to give credit were credit is do. The blue dress analogy came from Mark Levin or as Hannity calls him "The Great One". The information coming out now will shed light on Obama's direct involvement in this whole sordid mess. Do we really think the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DNI, all went rogue at the same time and the President Barack Obama knew nothing about what they were doing?

And why go after General Flynn? Obama hated Flynn. Why you ask? Because Flynn made Obama look bad when Obama was trying to convince the American people that by killing Bin Laden, he had also killed Al Qaeda. Flynn knew this was a lie. Al Qaeda was setting up shop all over Africa and other parts of the Middle East and this embarrassed Obama much like General McCrystal had embarrassed Obama and Obama had him fired.

If General Flynn had been allowed to take the office of NSA, why he could let out all the information Obama wanted to be kept hidden. In other words "Flynn knew where all the bodies were buried" during the Obama years and told everybody that would listen that he was going to "reform" the offices of National Intelligence and Obama couldn't have that. Flynn had to go. So the head of the FBI's Counter Intelligence office asks about Strzoks interview of Flynn, "what's the goal, truth or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired"?

Imagine that, one of the top men at the FBI asking out loud if truth was the goal of their investigation, an investigation that had no predicate to investigate. There was no crime that Flynn had committed and the FBI documents now tell us that the agents said "there was no derogatory information found on Flynn". Case should be closed but Strzok said "hold up" we don't want to close this case yet, they might be able to get Flynn on a Logan violation and if not, set a perjury trap for him. After all, they already knew what Flynn had discussed with the Russian Amb. and it was nothing illegal and would hardly fufill the obligation of the Logan Act so that wasn't going to work. Plan "B", lets ask him questions we already know the answers to and see if we can get him to deviate in his answers and we will tell him we caught him in a lie and if he didn't admit to telling a lie, the FBI would go after his son and bankrupt him.

So under coercion, Flynn admitted to lying to save his son from persecution. All this is now clear and yet today after all this became clear, the Democrats are still yelling "but he lied to the FBI, he admitted it". Sure he did and for good reason but if he did lie which Strzok already had told Comey he didn't, what was the lie? Was it a crime he committed? Nope, Flynn was never charged with what is called an underlying crime. It was "process crime", the crime of lying but what was the lie that Flynn told the FBI? Do we have that information in the original 302 filed by Strzok? What do you mean it's missing?

Stand by Adam Schiff, your on deck for your duplicitous lies that you have been telling and all those documents you hopped would never see the light of day have just been released and guess what they say?

That you lied!
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
There’s lots of cum stains on it! The DNA is now being examined. The most corrupt President in history! Stay tuned. Originally Posted by bambino

obama has a blue dress??? does he have an intern scandal we didn't know about?
eccieuser9500's Avatar
obama has a blue dress??? does he have an intern scandal we didn't know about? Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
Conservatives still have Obama on the mind?
Conservatives still have Obama on the mind? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Only as the corruption of his administration and holdover corrupt government officials are exposed and causes the implosion of his "legacy".

But nothing to see here right ec95?
LexusLover's Avatar
Conservatives still have Obama on the mind? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Didn't Obaminable just endorse his previous "also ran"?

Two birds of a feather!

More pecker tracks are being revealed daily. So far Biden has only rape allegations with which to contend, but as more paper is declassified his "big fucking deal" remark will be spitting in a hurricane!

Either way he's fucked!

If the VP didn't know the POTUS was colluding to overthrow the duly elected President, then just how incompetent can one be?
Jacuzzme's Avatar
Suffered through a couple hundred pages of the interviews last night. It’s incredible. Everyone knew the whole ‘OMFG Russians’ line was utter horseshit. Everyone, yet they plowed ahead anyways.
bambino's Avatar
I want to give credit were credit is do. The blue dress analogy came from Mark Levin or as Hannity calls him "The Great One". The information coming out now will shed light on Obama's direct involvement in this whole sordid mess. Do we really think the FBI, DOJ, CIA, DNI, all went rogue at the same time and the President Barack Obama knew nothing about what they were doing?

And why go after General Flynn? Obama hated Flynn. Why you ask? Because Flynn made Obama look bad when Obama was trying to convince the American people that by killing Bin Laden, he had also killed Al Qaeda. Flynn knew this was a lie. Al Qaeda was setting up shop all over Africa and other parts of the Middle East and this embarrassed Obama much like General McCrystal had embarrassed Obama and Obama had him fired.

If General Flynn had been allowed to take the office of NSA, why he could let out all the information Obama wanted to be kept hidden. In other words "Flynn knew where all the bodies were buried" during the Obama years and told everybody that would listen that he was going to "reform" the offices of National Intelligence and Obama couldn't have that. Flynn had to go. So the head of the FBI's Counter Intelligence office asks about Strzoks interview of Flynn, "what's the goal, truth or to get him to lie so we can prosecute him or get him fired"?

Imagine that, one of the top men at the FBI asking out loud if truth was the goal of their investigation, an investigation that had no predicate to investigate. There was no crime that Flynn had committed and the FBI documents now tell us that the agents said "there was no derogatory information found on Flynn". Case should be closed but Strzok said "hold up" we don't want to close this case yet, they might be able to get Flynn on a Logan violation and if not, set a perjury trap for him. After all, they already knew what Flynn had discussed with the Russian Amb. and it was nothing illegal and would hardly fufill the obligation of the Logan Act so that wasn't going to work. Plan "B", lets ask him questions we already know the answers to and see if we can get him to deviate in his answers and we will tell him we caught him in a lie and if he didn't admit to telling a lie, the FBI would go after his son and bankrupt him.

So under coercion, Flynn admitted to lying to save his son from persecution. All this is now clear and yet today after all this became clear, the Democrats are still yelling "but he lied to the FBI, he admitted it". Sure he did and for good reason but if he did lie which Strzok already had told Comey he didn't, what was the lie? Was it a crime he committed? Nope, Flynn was never charged with what is called an underlying crime. It was "process crime", the crime of lying but what was the lie that Flynn told the FBI? Do we have that information in the original 302 filed by Strzok? What do you mean it's missing?

Stand by Adam Schiff, your on deck for your duplicitous lies that you have been telling and all those documents you hopped would never see the light of day have just been released and guess what they say?

That you lied! Originally Posted by HedonistForever
Yes, the “blue dress” analogy” was coined by Levin. I was passing it along to the Lefties, the ones that are around anyways. Consider it a PSA for the uninformed.
Conservatives still have Obama on the mind? Originally Posted by eccieuser9500
Only because he is now being linked directly to the entire fake Russia hoax.

To the former President’s credit, the memo’s that have been released so far show show that while he wanted this pursued, he wanted done in a strictly lawful manner.

Apparently, many of his subordinates failed to heed this dictate.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
To the former President’s credit, the memo’s that have been released so far show show that while he wanted this pursued, he wanted done in a strictly lawful manner.
That’s not the correct reading of Obama. He knew exactly what was going on, he was just smart enough to parse his words in such a way to give himself plausible deniability. He’s just as slimy as the others, but more lawyerly.
bambino's Avatar
That’s not the correct reading of Obama. He knew exactly what was going on, he was just smart enough to parse his words in such a way to give himself plausible deniability. He’s just as slimy as the others, but more lawyerly. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
Sorta like a mafia boss ordering a hit without saying kill him. Comey knew what Obama wanted.
HedonistForever's Avatar
And I don't quite understand what is going on with Sally Yates. I hear Trey Gowdy, who I have enormous respect for and other Conservatives coming to her defense in that she was angered when she realized what the FBI was doing but I had always believed it was Sally Yates that sicked the feds on Flynn in the first place and it was she that thought the Logan Act applied to Flynn.

Anybody have a clearer picture than I have right now?
That’s not the correct reading of Obama. He knew exactly what was going on, he was just smart enough to parse his words in such a way to give himself plausible deniability. He’s just as slimy as the others, but more lawyerly. Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
but just as obama messed up by having email correspondence with hellary when he claimed he knew nothing about her private server

he also messed up by revealing information before he was supposed to know that information

even yates was surprised at that

so he's slick and he's slimy and he's feral and he's venal but just like all crooks, he slips up because its hard to keep covering all bases all the time when there are so many things one has to remember to keep covered up

even the ridiculously dumb 12th hour email to the file by susan rice, which should become the example of all examples of Shakespeare's line "the lady doth protest too much, methinks",

a note to herself that "me and Obama did nothing wrong"

can't cover for Obama

it was ridiculously dumb but when you're worried you grasp at straws