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Opinion: Leftists and the Tyranny of Terminology

Posted at 4:00 am on May 9, 2020 by Mike Ford
President Donald Trump speaks during an event celebrating American truckers, at the White House, Thursday, April 16, 2020, in Washington. (AP Photo/Evan Vucci)All across America, we await decrees from our Governors and Mayors promulgating guidance as to how much human interaction and of what types will be allowed, as we try to reopen America and begin living our lives again. The draconian and likely unconstitutional measures previously instituted by all but one Governor, have impacted millions of Americans. The downstream effects have yet to be fully measured, but many of them are horrific. Here are just a couple examples. Trillions of Dollars of Individual Retirement Fund values have been wiped out. Over 30 million unemployed…and still counting. We are now at 14.7% unemployed. We started the year at statistically full employment. All of that destruction and more, in just a few weeks.
Read: Monday, May 4, 2020, Weekly Wuhan Virus Report: The Human Cost

Read: Opinion: Continuing the Shutdown Is Downright Immoral
Now after all that destruction, we are tentatively easing towards and with the permission and guidance from our “betters,” a reopening of America. Which brings me to today’s topic, the language the left gets you to use and thereby accept and consent to what they are doing to you.
My first example, is how they use technical jargon to obtain buy in. “We need to flatten the curve!” was the mantra early on. The control freaks used that phrase to promote acceptance of of these egregious measures, claiming that if we didn’t accept them, our hospital system would be overwhelmed and millions would die. Of course that was never going to happen as I explained

Here: Opinion: Hospital Capacity; or Just in Case
Here: Opinion: We Have Excess Capacity, No Need to Panic
Now that we have “flattened the curve,” accomplished our goal, one would think that we could all get back to building America and repairing the damage, economic, physical and psychological. “Not so!” say our betters. Now we must continue to “shelter in place,” until they have determined that it is “safe” for us to come out and reengage in social intercourse. Listen to the language they use.
Here is a great example. Ms. Shelley Luther, a salon owner, decided that feeding her family was more important than obeying some administrative edict. She was arrested and jailed for having the effrontery to defy such. The judge in the case, Eric Moye, as he pronounced sentence stated,
“The defiance of the court’s order was open, flagrant and intentional.” He noted that, despite being given the opportunity to apologize, Luther has “expressed no contrition, remorse or regret.”
Listen to that! This judge expects an American to apologize for exercising her right to earn a living and take care of her kids!
Ms. Luther, in her response stated,
“Feeding my kids is not selfish,” she told Moyé. “If you think the law is more important than kids getting fed, then please go ahead with your decision, but I am not going to shut the salon.”
That is the response of a real, no kiddin’ American.
The left has come completely out of the closet. They understand that coming up with and convincing folks as to the efficacy of terms such as, “flatten the curve,” requires too much work. They really like more direct measures. They would prefer Americans to accept such terms such as, Permission, Allow, Direct, Authorize, and such. We as Americans, need to be on the lookout for these terms. They are warning signs that we are losing our liberties. It’s time to tell governments from City, through County and State, all the way up through Federal, that we, not they, are in charge.
  • oeb11
  • 05-09-2020, 10:53 AM
Clearly the Leftist view o f government is the Chinese CCP model - the people exist to sdrve the Ruling class nomenklatura - and shut up and happy with their lot.

The concept of serving the will of the people of America is anathema to the Democrat leftists - whoe purpose is to reshape america in their own vision - and wishes of the people be damned.
Their whole temper tantrum against Trump is testimony to how they object to Rule of law and the Constitution - unless Democrats get "Their Way" they will do everything possible to subvert the lawfully elected POTUS. As Clyburn put it - the crisis is our opportunity to change America to our vision!

And if they get a POTUS , House, and Senate majority - they will run roughshod over the Constitution and anyone not in lockstep with their narrative.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
All I have said in the past is that states have the right to shut things down when they deem it is in the best interest of the people. A statement that is supported by law.

We are still not free to do anything we want in the state of Texas. Some restrictions have been lifted, some have not.

When you condemn me you are condemning Trump, Pence, medical experts, and the governors of something like 42 of the 50 states, all of whom have shut down their states to some extent.

But you know better than all of them.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Clarly the Leftist view o f government is the Chinese CCP model - the people exist to sdrve the Ruling class nomenklatura - and shut up and happy with their lot.

The concept of serving the will of the people of America is anathema to the Democrat leftists - whoe purpose is to reshape america in their own vision - and wishes of the people be damned.
Their whole temper tantrum against Trump is testimony to how they object to Rule of law and the Constitution - unless Democrats get "Their Way" they will do everything possible to subvert the lawfully elected POTUS. As Clyburn put it - the crisis is our opportunity to change America to our vision!

And if they get a POTUS , House, and Senate majority - they will run roughshod over the Constitution and anyone not in lockstep with their narrative. Originally Posted by oeb11
The shutdown was hardly Democratic or Republican. The majority of the people in this country supported the shutdown and a majority of the people in this country believe certain states are moving too fast in reopening. There is no violation of the Constitution.
All I have said in the past is that states have the right to shut things down when they deem it is in the best interest of the people. A statement that is supported by law.

We are still not free to do anything we want in the state of Texas. Some restrictions have been lifted, some have not.

When you condemn me you are condemning Trump, Pence, medical experts, and the governors of something like 42 of the 50 states, all of whom have shut down their states to some extent.

But you know better than all of them. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
Better then the shutting down had the does the trillions of financial damage to this robust economy, yeah you and and your "experts" prove their worth ...it doesn't take much to know better

It takes little to know much anything better than a elected politician....politicians you don't understand what it takes having that know since it takes two brain cells to care or comprehend these things. They don't care if you can provide for there families...these are are called pin heads like you.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
Better then the shutting down had that has does trillions of financial demand to this robust economy, yeah you and and your "experts" prove their worth ...it doesn't take much to know better

It doesn't take much to know better than a elected politician....politicians you don't understand and done have to since or care it comprehend. They don't care if if can provide for there families...these are are called pin heads like you. Originally Posted by bb1961
So Trump, Pence, the governors of at least 42 states, and esteemed medical professionals like Drs. Birx and Fauci and countless others, are "pin heads". And you are our resident genius on the subject. Okay, I've got it. (sarcasm)
So Trump, Pence, the governors of at least 42 states, and esteemed medical professionals like Drs. Birx and Fauci and countless others, are "pin heads". And you are our resident genius on the subject. Okay, I've got it. (sarcasm) Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
The problem is you don't get anything...but you do drink the coolaid your masters dicktate to like a good lemming. You are a resident genius on regurgitating gumment dribble.
Hotrod511's Avatar
and boring
All I have said in the past is that states have the right to shut things down when they deem it is in the best interest of the people. A statement that is supported by law.

We are still not free to do anything we want in the state of Texas. Some restrictions have been lifted, some have not.

When you condemn me you are condemning Trump, Pence, medical experts, and the governors of something like 42 of the 50 states, all of whom have shut down their states to some extent.

But you know better than all of them. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX
While I'm opposed to the shutdowns being too severe in some states, I do like each state getting autonomy from the Federal Government when possible.

We are so divided in this country it would be best to move to a Federation type model - with a weaker federal government and stronger states.

Liberals could do their thing in their liberal states, having lots of free sex change operations, abortions, freeing of illegal aliens who murdered people, and letting homeless people shit on their sidewalks, lots of state aid for lazy fuckers who don't work, and plenty of protection for assholes who don't pay their rent and steal shit from stores, and no death penalty.(Hopefully, some of them would legalize prostitution so I could have fun there when I visit)

In the conservative states we could do our thing. Prisoners work to offset the costs of their incarcerations, people earn their jobs with hard work and pay their taxes and their bills, thieves get arrested and prosecuted, and the government has very little power to boss us around.
SpeedRacerXXX's Avatar
The problem is you don't get anything...but you do drink the coolaid your masters dicktate to like a good lemming. You are a resident genius on regurgitating gumment dribble. Originally Posted by bb1961
And that's all you've got?
While I'm opposed to the shutdowns being too severe in some states, I do like each state getting autonomy from the Federal Government when possible.

We are so divided in this country it would be best to move to a Federation type model - with a weaker federal government and stronger states.

Liberals could do their thing in their liberal states, having lots of free sex change operations, abortions, freeing of illegal aliens who murdered people, and letting homeless people shit on their sidewalks, lots of state aid for lazy fuckers who don't work, and plenty of protection for assholes who don't pay their rent and steal shit from stores, and no death penalty.(Hopefully, some of them would legalize prostitution so I could have fun there when I visit)

In the conservative states we could do our thing. Prisoners work to offset the costs of their incarcerations, people earn their jobs with hard work and pay their taxes and their bills, thieves get arrested and prosecuted, and the government has very little power to boss us around. Originally Posted by friendly fred
As the founders designed. Congress(both House and Senate) were meant to be part time jobs. The Federal government is out of control.
adav8s28's Avatar
and boring Originally Posted by Hotrod511
If Speedracer were a Trump guy, you would consider him smart.
HedonistForever's Avatar
The shutdown was hardly Democratic or Republican. The majority of the people in this country supported the shutdown and a majority of the people in this country believe certain states are moving too fast in reopening. We like to think that a majority vote is always a valid vote but the majority may not vote away the rights of the minority. Arbitrary laws are seldom if ever Constitutional.


There is no violation of the Constitution. Originally Posted by SpeedRacerXXX

Have you seen a Supreme Court ruling on this matter because I haven't. I think it is reasonable to assume that the SC would allow "some measures" in the name of a health emergency but what do you bet they wouldn't say that 100% of what the Gov. of Michigan did was Constitutional?

I found this to be an interesting read.

Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
As the founders designed. Congress(both House and Senate) were meant to be part time jobs. The Federal government is out of control. Originally Posted by eccielover

Let us also recall that the Founders went way out of their way to make the inner-workings of the Federal Government to be as contentious as possible to keep it from becoming too large and overbearing. That is why they concocted the idea of 3 co-equal branches and tossed in the idea of the Fourth Estate via the First amendment - freedom of the press. And for Just in Case, they added the Second amendment - if all else fails.
Hotrod511's Avatar
If Speedracer were a Trump guy, you would consider him smart. Originally Posted by adav8s28
So what's that make you "stupid"