72 Vets dead from the Virus in the same NJ nursing home!

Solemate62's Avatar
Trump, how does this fit in with your recent claim of ”We have prevailed”? Could it be just another lie you told the world?
LexusLover's Avatar
Was that in New York? You posted "NJ"? Both run by Dimwitcrats, like yourself.

Thank you for sharing how incompetent you and yours are these days at combating a virus!!!!!
gfejunkie's Avatar
Was that in New York? You posted "NJ"? Both run by Dimwitcrats, like yourself. Originally Posted by LexusLover
Yeah, really. They should be calling him "Covid Cuomo".

  • oeb11
  • 05-12-2020, 07:18 AM
Solemate - thanks - in your Hatre You expose the criminal mis-management of Como and DPSTpoliticians everywhere.

Keep right on posting your WacomPost fantasies.

Thank You.
R.M.'s Avatar
  • R.M.
  • 05-12-2020, 07:38 AM
  • oeb11
  • 05-12-2020, 07:44 AM
DPST's oppose opening the economy - hoping to destroy the economy - and take over with a CCP model of authoritarian government by the AOC crowd.
the_real_Barleycorn's Avatar
It's obvious that Corona can also cause brain damage. Witness this OP.
As I posted in another thread.

Is that going to be the new leftist cry for Trumps head. Instead of the promise of 72 virgins, it's the giddy cry for the next 72 Deaths to make Trump look bad.

That's a sad way to live when you are searching out the deaths to post bullshit like this.
If 72 people die in a Nursing Home from Covid-19 that's proof right there the "Stay at home order" doesn't work. Where the hell are these people going to get exposed to Covid-19? The reality is 72 people in the same Nursing home may have died but it wasn't from Covid-19.
pfunkdenver's Avatar
The reality is 72 people in the same Nursing home may have died but it wasn't from Covid-19. Originally Posted by Levianon17
Really? I'm sure that there are frequent food, medicine, and supply deliveries. Nurses, Doctors, and other health workers who go home, to stores, and maybe take public transport, daily. I'd wager there are many potential exposures, every day. What makes you so sure it wasn't Covid-19?
  • oeb11
  • 05-12-2020, 05:40 PM
Do you have a constructive suggestion to deal with Wuhan virus?
Or just reveling - like solemate - in the tragedy?
The Cuomocaust continues!
Really? I'm sure that there are frequent food, medicine, and supply deliveries. Nurses, Doctors, and other health workers who go home, to stores, and maybe take public transport, daily. I'd wager there are many potential exposures, every day. What makes you so sure it wasn't Covid-19? Originally Posted by pfunkdenver
So what. Are the deliveries brought in by individuals sick with Covid-19? Are they coming in direct contact with Nursing Home Residence? It's been established that Death Certificates are being fraudulently stating covid=19 as cause of death. So the actual number of Covid deaths is probably a fraction of what is being reported.
dilbert firestorm's Avatar
So what. Are the deliveries brought in by individuals sick with Covid-19? Are they coming in direct contact with Nursing Home Residence? It's been established that Death Certificates are being fraudulently stating covid=19 as cause of death. So the actual number of Covid deaths is probably a fraction of what is being reported. Originally Posted by Levianon17

looks like cv19 deaths are inflated in one area and under-counted in another area...

so how are thee numbers valid if they are purposely inflating it when they did not die from cv19.
looks like cv19 deaths are inflated in one area and under-counted in another area...

so how are thee numbers valid if they are purposely inflating it when they did not die from cv19. Originally Posted by dilbert firestorm
I'll put is simply. The numbers of cases and deaths for Covid-19 are being rumored as being inaccurate, because hospitals and Nursing homes are being funded for stating cause of death on Death Certificates as being Covid19. Many Doctors are now coming forth stating that.