Disappearing Act

... G'day Stumpers,

So WHERE did they go?? ... Anybody see 'em around??

One o' the mates was lookin' for Doctor Jill Biden.
She's off somewhere.

While her husband Joe - still rumoured to be president
these days - has disappeared also! ... New attacks
and developments in the Israel/Hamas War, and Joe has
had precious little to say about it.

And has anybody seen Merrick Garland?? ... Aint seen
that loss in a good month o' Sundays.

.. Has HE even commented since Donald Trump was shot
and almost killed??

See? ... When the problems start each day - Joe and
his people Run Away! ...

#### Salty
Ripmany's Avatar
Don't even know who this guy is.
Precious_b's Avatar
The salty one is correct.

Where oh where is Melania at? Campaign time is high visibility time for the spouse of those wanting to be potus.

And Ivanka and Jared? After he made off lining his pockets with millions, he hasn't coughed up a dime for the melange one.