If you could become a Eccie Moderator...for 1 Day. What would you do?

TheAntichrist666's Avatar
If you could be an Eccie Moderator for 1 day...

What would you Do or Not Do?

You can do a lot of things...like set up a showcase for providers or "hobbyists" alike ( Lol ), you could verify providers or certain guys that want to be "verified" ( Lol ), you could ban people you don't like, and other things...Lol : )
I'd get rid of the pop-up ads, the ads that trail the bottom of a thread, and the ugly photos along the sides. Not the hot ones just the ones of the 'ugly sluts looking to fuck in your area code' variety.
How do people even get to be a moderator in the first place?? I've always wondered
chicagoboy's Avatar
There's still a lot of clean up to be done in this town. Give me the job and I'll clean this place up. There will be no more piles of dog shit or cat shit stinking up the Houston forums. That gang of thugs will be finished.

After you clean it up, we have a thriving board where people exchange hobby info without the bullying and thuggish disrespectful bullshit that exists now. Clean it up and it will be good for business. There's only a small handful that cause all the trouble. My approach would be to warn them all - once, and then the first time they shit on the floor, they're history - permanently banned.

Oops, sorry - I just had a Horsefly moment.
loveitdou's Avatar
I'd get you to turn in your costumes-to me!
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
You should change your question to "Admin" instead of Mod...... We're glorified hall monitors..... "Run Along! Get to class!" And "Hey! Where's your hall pass?!?!"

We don't have any "Power" as far as that goes...... we enforce rules and a couple other little things.... That's all...
oilfieldscum's Avatar
But, but what about all that mod puzzy?

Of course you'd only have one day.
Russ38's Avatar
But, but what about all that mod puzzy?

Of course you'd only have one day. Originally Posted by oilfieldscum
.....I'll take that for a day
Samcro84's Avatar
Agree with Glynette. Need to get rid of the ads everywhere, I would even pay for site. Also keep the showcases clean from out of date girls or give me an option of not showing ads with no log in after a period of time. p411 puts dates of last login when you are scanning down list of ads. Puts latest date first.

Just a computer program, the above change could probably me done in 30 minutes or less.

But did try out the mobile ap and it works great on my android.
Wakeup's Avatar
I'd turn St.C into the page click generating poster for the board...
Limit sigs to one line.

delete the slixa ad that fucks up my phone.
I would finally have a legitimate excuse to PM the guys that I want to fuck... Abuse my power a little bit and tell them to show up or get banned.
dearhunter's Avatar
I'd ban bigtex........I never liked him
texasjohn1965's Avatar
You should change your question to "Admin" instead of Mod...... We're glorified hall monitors..... "Run Along! Get to class!" And "Hey! Where's your hall pass?!?!"

We don't have any "Power" as far as that goes...... we enforce rules and a couple other little things.... That's all... Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
Russ38's Avatar
Allow and require that full out gaper pics be provided in all showcases.