Democrats Economic Theory Failure

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Back when gas topped $4 a gallon, Republicans chanted "drill, baby, drill' at rallies across the country -- arguing more domestic drilling would increase supplies, reduce dependence on foreign oil and boost the U.S. economy.
Democrats, almost universally, mocked the GOP plan. In 2012, President Obama called it "a slogan, a gimmick, and a bumper sticker ... not a strategy."
"They were waving their three-point plans for $2-a-gallon gas," Obama told a laughing audience during an energy speech in Washington. "You remember that? Drill, baby, drill. We were going through all that. And none of it was really going to do anything to solve the problem."
"'Drill, baby, drill' won't lower gas prices today or tomorrow," Rep. Janice Hahn, D-Calif., echoed on the floor of Congress in 2012. "But it will fuel our addiction to fossil fuel."
Today, Democrats are singing a different tune, as increased domestic drilling has led to a record supply of domestic crude, put some $100 billion into the pockets of U.S. consumers and sent world oil prices tumbling.
The price of a gallon of regular gasoline on Monday was $2.13 nationwide, and below $2 in 18 states.

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"Supply and demand" wins again!
Not the whole picture, but domestic production has helped the law change for exporting crude.
LexusLover's Avatar
Cheap oil has been the best antidote for Russia's huffing and puffing. Putin pooted.

Too many eggs in one basket.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Not the whole picture, but domestic production has helped the law change for exporting crude. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Oil is a complicated business, but the Democrats made some statements that in retrospect, meet WTF's standard for calling it a lie.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Think about this little bit of hypocrisy; liberal environmentalists always tell us to "think globally and act locally" but they don't follow that when it comes to reality. Canada is going to sell their oil to someone. They want to sell it to the US and the Keystone XL will make that happen. If we don't step up then they will sell it to China. Fact: That oil will be burned by someone. If the US then all the environmental standards will be in place to reduce that carbon emissions. If China then very few environmental standards and the pollution will be greater. So if an environmental president really wanted to cut back on pollution then he would bring that oil to the US where it can be safely transformed into energy.
Think about this little bit of hypocrisy; liberal environmentalists always tell us to "think globally and act locally" but they don't follow that when it comes to reality. Canada is going to sell their oil to someone. They want to sell it to the US and the Keystone XL will make that happen. If we don't step up then they will sell it to China. Fact: That oil will be burned by someone. If the US then all the environmental standards will be in place to reduce that carbon emissions. If China then very few environmental standards and the pollution will be greater. So if an environmental president really wanted to cut back on pollution then he would bring that oil to the US where it can be safely transformed into energy. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
Canada is selling it to us now dim bulb, they just want a more economical way to get it here.
lustylad's Avatar
Canada is selling it to us now dim bulb, they just want a more economical way to get it here. Originally Posted by i'va biggen
Ok little eva, then you must support the pipeline, right? Or do you think it makes sense to transport it in an uneconomical way?
Ok little eva, then you must support the pipeline, right? Or do you think it makes sense to transport it in an uneconomical way? Originally Posted by lustylad
Why are you asking me that? Biggest holdup was Nebraska, and now they cleared it. With the price of oil it won't do much good till it goes up again. That and getting it past Obie's veto.
lustylad's Avatar
Why are you asking me that? Biggest holdup was Nebraska, and now they cleared it. With the price of oil it won't do much good till it goes up again. That and getting it past Obie's veto. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Why are you reluctant to say yes, build the damn thing? You contradict yourself when you say "it won't do much good". You already admit it is a more economical form of transportation. Even if the impact on oil prices is marginal, every economist agrees it is better to transport any commodity using the most economical means available.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-13-2015, 03:18 PM
Ok little eva, then you must support the pipeline, right? Or do you think it makes sense to transport it in an uneconomical way? Originally Posted by lustylad
It's economic impact is over inflated. Be like Hugh Hefner adding another Bunny to his harem. SOB already has plenty of pussy.

This pipeline is late to the party. Not even needed anymore.In fact without the huge tax break to it's investors I doubt it would have been cried about.
Why are you reluctant to say yes, build the damn thing? You contradict yourself when you say "it won't do much good". You already admit it is a more economical form of transportation. Even if the impact on oil prices is marginal, every economist agrees it is better to transport any commodity using the most economical means available. Originally Posted by lustylad
I ask again, why are you asking me you don't give a shit about my opinion anyway..Fuck off.
Ozombies don't care about the environment. If they did they would support the environmentally friendly Keystone XL. Ozombies just want to line the pockets of Buffet and the 1%... fuckers
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Canada is selling it to us now dim bulb, they just want a more economical way to get it here. Originally Posted by i'va biggen

Canada looks to China for oil sales. So how many watts are you EVA? 10, 15?
Canada looks to China for oil sales. So how many watts are you EVA? 10, 15? Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
LMFAO you are a 10 watter thanks for asking. Who are they selling it to now dipshit? Mention all of them.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
It's economic impact is over inflated. Be like Hugh Hefner adding another Bunny to his harem. SOB already has plenty of pussy.

This pipeline is late to the party. Not even needed anymore.In fact without the huge tax break to it's investors I doubt it would have been cried about. Originally Posted by WTF
OK, I have read that the pipeline may have missed on the timing, which isn't it's fault but the fault of the anti-free market forces of the Democrats. They showed their ignorance of supply and demand when they mocked the GOP effort at increasing supply and laughed at "drill, baby, drill. Most experts now say it was the US production which oversupplied the market, and brought prices down.
Obama should just make an apology tour around America to show that he "gets" it now.