I am Just Stating the Facts.

wellendowed1911's Avatar
Ok Mitt Romney claimed that he would have UE rate at 6% at the end of his term(2016) if he were elected POTUS. Ok current UE rate us 5.6% with Obama still having nearly 20 plus months remaining to bring that rate lower. Oh and please don't come back with what the "real" UE rate because when UE rate was 4% you could apply what the "real" UE rate is in nearly any situation.

Both Gingrich and Michelle Bachman(sp) boasted if they were elected POTUS they were elected POTUS- they would gas prices under $2.50- well as it stands right now it's well under $2.50 a gallon. Now keep in mind both Gingrich and Michelle lied to their GOP followers who were too naive to know that the POTUS has nothing to do with low or high Gas prices- but I will say if Gas prices were $4 gallon I bet the GOP would blame Obama.

GDP growth and Dow Jows records- nuff said- we have see the economy grow and we have had record breaking Dow Jows.

Can someone please tell me again how Obama is a failure when he has accomplished goals set by various GOP candidates with the biggest being UE??????
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Well, he plays golf...
TheDaliLama's Avatar
I agree...

THIS president had nothing to do with lower gas prices.

Wellendowed...you got your ass handed to you the last time you brought this up.
Where is your proof that Obama's economic policies have improved the economic health of American families. Despite large gains in the DOW, American Household wealth for top families is still below peak years under Bush and for the bottom rung....Obama has been disaster. Household wealth for this group is worse than ever in our recent history.

The chart below shows that both groups (rich and poor have not recovered).

And you left out the fact that the net job gains under Obama have gone to Foreign Born workers....

Again, where is your proof that Obama's economic policies have been good for American workers?

Especially middle and lower income households.
boardman's Avatar
So when that Dow Jones bubble finally bursts, who's gonna be to blame?
Yssup Rider's Avatar
And you left out the fact that the net job gains under Obama have gone to Foreign Born workers....

Again, where is your proof that Obama's economic policies have been good for American workers?

Especially middle and lower income households. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
First of all, SNICK!


Third of all, is a foreign born American worker less entitled to a job than a native born one?

Fourth of all, your charts and graphs only indicate the result of years of Republican tax breaks for the rich. I don't see where anybody claimed anything other than a reduction in UE and lower gas prices. You're making shit up again, Whir-LIE-turd.

Finally, when are you going to stop spinning, exaggerating and lying, Dipshit of the Year?
You don't like the statistics, feel free to post your own facts...if you can. But you won't, you are just a troll.

Waiting on WE to post stats that show how household wealth has increased for average and working Americans because of Obama's economic policies.

First of all, SNICK!


Third of all, is a foreign born American worker less entitled to a job than a native born one?

Finally, when are you going to stop spinning, exaggerating and lying, Dipshit of the Year? Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
WE really likes that Kool Aid.

Fact: the real unemployment rate is still in the double digits if you calculate UE by same standards that George W. Bush did.

Fact: Over 90 million American are out of work.

Fact: A president CAN affect the price of gasoline by aiding the oil companies to increase supplies. Despite no direct control, a president has indirect control on the people who will cause the increase. Obama has been working against the oil companies since day one. Any reduction in price is upsetting to Obama as he promised during his first campaign that energy prices would have to necessarily increase.
Ok Mitt Romney claimed that he would have UE rate at 6% at the end of his term(2016) if he were elected POTUS. Ok current UE rate us 5.6% with Obama still having nearly 20 plus months remaining to bring that rate lower. Oh and please don't come back with what the "real" UE rate because when UE rate was 4% you could apply what the "real" UE rate is in nearly any situation.

Both Gingrich and Michelle Bachman(sp) boasted if they were elected POTUS they were elected POTUS- they would gas prices under $2.50- well as it stands right now it's well under $2.50 a gallon. Now keep in mind both Gingrich and Michelle lied to their GOP followers who were too naive to know that the POTUS has nothing to do with low or high Gas prices- but I will say if Gas prices were $4 gallon I bet the GOP would blame Obama.

GDP growth and Dow Jows records- nuff said- we have see the economy grow and we have had record breaking Dow Jows.

Can someone please tell me again how Obama is a failure when he has accomplished goals set by various GOP candidates with the biggest being UE??????
Originally Posted by wellendowed1911
Romney is crazy if he thinks he can influence the unemployment rate in any direction, and you're just as crazy if you think Obama has anything to do with the current UE rate. All this talk of job creation is a farce. The president doesn't create private sector jobs. He only creates Federal jobs.

lustylad's Avatar
Methinks Weaklyendowed needs to view the link JL just posted in another thread regarding the drop in gas prices:

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-13-2015, 03:33 PM
So when that Dow Jones bubble finally bursts, who's gonna be to blame? Originally Posted by boardman
Who ever is in control at the time! Bush needed to hang on for six more months and y'all could have blamed everything on Democrats!
TheDaliLama's Avatar
Who ever is in control at the time! Bush needed to hang on for six more months and y'all could have blamed everything on Democrats! Originally Posted by WTF
Shut your whore mouth.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Methinks Weaklyendowed needs to view the link JL just posted in another thread regarding the drop in gas prices:

http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2015...ll-baby-drill/ Originally Posted by lustylad
Yes, I agree. Plus, he needs to consider how easy it is to grow an economy when you can have the Federal Reserve Issue $80 billion worth of new "notes" every month to "Expand the money supply".
Basically, printing money. Any idiot could run the country with a free 80 billion dollars every month!!!

Fuck, for that matter, you could save all those union jobs at every failing company like GM, bail out Wall Street, etc.... make that fucking etc.
Obama promised the unemployment rate wouldn't go above 8% (with his stimulus plan). He said that back in 2009....

and didn't Obama promise he would cut our deficit spending in half by the end of his 1st term?

Looks like Romney can deliver on his economic promises; but Obama not.