I was watching The Five on the Fox News channel

JD Barleycorn's Avatar
and Bob Beckel, a huge lib and proud of it, was talking about Obama's failure to show up in Paris. The other four wanted to know what was so important that Obama couldn't get away and Beckel injecting that Obama was the only bombing and killing terrorists so he didn't have to go. Then he said something that stayed with me, "Obama is doing the absolute best that he can". Think about that. Beckel is no dummy but he either thinks that Obama is doing the absolute best that he can to fight terrorism or that Obama is really doing the best that he can. That Obama is so incompetent that we are looking at his maximum effort and he has nothing left to give.

I don't know which is scarier, the blind, slavish obedience of the Obama supporter or that he was stating a fact that Obama can't get any better.
LexusLover's Avatar
Beckel and Peanut Carter are on the same page .....

... it is "interesting" to note that according to the White House schedule the "president" had nothing scheduled for Saturday or Sunday to conflict with a trip to France. It is also "interesting" that the President could travel to Michigan, Arizona, and Tennessee to strut "his stuff," but going into Paris with 10's of thousands of police and military protecting the other World Leaders .... it was "too dangerous" for him to go.

The only redeeming fact about what has gone on ( not gone on) during this administration is the resilience of this country and the citizens in it. Hopefully, who ever it may be, or the President to follow will have the dedication and courage to mend fences and take the fight to the enemy before the enemy brings it to us, again.
Frick, meet Frack!
The Secret Service will not allow him to appear without that huge wall of plexiglass in front of him. The one that was at the inauguration and Mandela's funeral. Obama could have sent Biden or Kerry though. I wonder what they are afraid of? Islamic Terrorists? Being arrested on War Crime charges?

The "leader of the free world" indeed!
Perhaps he was trying to save money!

Had he attended (or had someone attend), the Idiot's would be bitchin' and moanin' endlessly about Obama wasting money on another European vacation.
LexusLover's Avatar
Perhaps he was trying to save money!

Had he attended (or had someone attend), the Idiot's would be bitchin' and moanin' endlessly about Obama wasting money on another European vacation. Originally Posted by bigtex
Apparently, you are the only insensitive dumbass who "thought" about costs.

We also "saved" a lot of costs by retreating from Iraq, Afghanistan, and Europe.

Why the fuck has the deficit doubled during this administration, then?
LexusLover's Avatar
The Secret Service will not allow him to appear without that huge wall of plexiglass in front of him. The one that was at the inauguration and Mandela's funeral. Originally Posted by gnadfly
I hope you jest.

That plexiglass was for Bush and Heir Merket, not Obaminable. "Trust me."

Biden and Kerry would have been as insulting, and merely acknowledged that "arrangements" can be made on short notice. This bullshit about being "Leader of the Free World" is a joke right now. I have reason to believe that the SS has "plans" in place "on the shelf" for a visit to Paris .. and there was plenty of "local talent" deployed with no notice to anyone ... he appears in a "war zone" in his "flight jacket," but can't show up to the OK Corral?

That piece of shit plexiglass wouldn't do shit.

Let him twist in the wind for not showing up.

Unfortunately the symbolism is harmful to us all. But that's narcissism for you.
OK, Michelle wouldn't let him appear without the plexiglass. Better?
LexusLover's Avatar
OK, Michelle wouldn't let him appear without the plexiglass. Better? Originally Posted by gnadfly
If that's the case, Michelle needs to do some brush up on Jackie.

Actually, I could hear Michelle saying: "Fuck you, I'll go!"

If had to choose one of them to "take my back" .... I'd pick Michelle.
football was on
LexusLover's Avatar
football was on Originally Posted by nevergaveitathought
I'm sure it was baskets.
JD Barleycorn's Avatar
Perhaps he was trying to save money!

Had he attended (or had someone attend), the Idiot's would be bitchin' and moanin' endlessly about Obama wasting money on another European vacation. Originally Posted by bigtex

Are you kidding? I bet he has enough frequent flyer miles to cover a European vacation.
Beckel was laying an old racist slur on Obama, the ultimate put down, excusing his low performance by putting him in a class, racial or otherwise, or low achievers. It's tough to make excuses for witless cowardice and lack of leadership. This is a group of aging campus liberals that have never managed anything, and never will. Obama and Holder only managed a few drug sentence commutations in December after years of sentence reviews over an issue near and dear to them. They can't construct a website, or pick a contractor who can, even with virtually unlimited money. They can't build new VA hospitals. They can't find e-mails. They can's state a foreign policy. They can't close Guantanamo. They can't prosecute terrorists in New York City. They can't do much of anything except posture and pander to interest groups.
rioseco's Avatar
and Bob Beckel, a huge lib and proud of it, was talking about Obama's failure to show up in Paris. The other four wanted to know what was so important that Obama couldn't get away and Beckel injecting that Obama was the only bombing and killing terrorists so he didn't have to go. Then he said something that stayed with me, "Obama is doing the absolute best that he can". Think about that. Beckel is no dummy but he either thinks that Obama is doing the absolute best that he can to fight terrorism or that Obama is really doing the best that he can. That Obama is so incompetent that we are looking at his maximum effort and he has nothing left to give.

I don't know which is scarier, the blind, slavish obedience of the Obama supporter or that he was stating a fact that Obama can't get any better. Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn

Maybe it was best that the POS was not in Paris. If he gave an adress it would simply be more of the "blame the westerners" game and further favoring of islam.
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  • WTF
  • 01-14-2015, 12:55 PM
Jesus our resident numbnuts are in a hissy because Obama didn't go to Paris.