Report of Field Trip

I’m from Austin and hit the clubs there from time to time. I come to Houston for work a few times a year and love the SC’s here. My favorites are CF, TMC, and the Ship is a distant third. I hit all three this week, on a two day work trip.

TMC has some of the best looking women anywhere. I mean seriously. There are some 10s, especially on day shift. They all want a lot of money for not much results, but DAMN, some of those chicks are smoking hot. What a country.

CF is my go to for getting laid. It was hopping during the day shift both days, and decent at night. Tons of girls, but most of them Fuglies. A few gems though. Both nights ended in release. The method of achieving that varies, 500 seems to be the going rate upstairs. Depending on the night, the second level (150) is as good as the “Penthouse” level which is 180-250, depending . There’s a table on the second level where if the girl is willing, you can do her from behind over a table and watch the main stage. That’s pretty cool.

Treasures these days is one of the great tragedies of our time. It used to be great back in the day, now it’s a shadow of its former self. There are some hot girls in there and I’m sure if you persevered thru all the bullshit you can get lucky, but the overall vibe is like Night of The Living Dead Meets Desperate Hooker/Stripper. I always regret going in there.
I always regret going into any strip club in Houston.
Treasures IS a tragedy. No diversity, girls live on their cell phones and congregate at the front door waiting for groups of drunk guys to attach themselves to.

Recently I've found some hot ones at St James, both day and night. Still working to score OTC...
The OP's post is accurate. TMC = hot girls but you better be prepared to spend.

CF is a great place to get some. I recently had the same experience he had there, with the $150 VIP table upstairs. I don't usually go for in the club, but once in awhile it's necessary, to establish a connection.

And Treasures does suck. I was there 2 nights ago and regretted it. I haven't seen a girl worth my $ there in years.
try some of the massage parlors i walk out with 120 dollars less then i did walking in