Be careful, be safe

So, I'm sure we've all seen the news lately about a guy, apparently a monger, shooting up some spas in Atlanta.

Listen...we all know what we do isn't exactly healthy, but if what you're doing is spilling from a fun occasional past time to an obsession, please go and get some help. I got a little out of control years ago and got some counseling. It made a big difference. Now when I go, it's once every few months instead of twice a week. I was putting myself into debt to go to parlors, it was not great.

If that guy had gotten some help, those women would still be alive.

Don't know what to do or where to turn? Message me. I'll talk you through it. Just don't throw your life, or anyone else's away.

Much love, fellow mongers.
I believe that when it is all said and done that this will indeed turn out to be a hate crime against Asians. Why would the parents of this kid be on to who did the shooting so quickly? What 21 year old discusses his sexual hangups with his parents? They are nuch more likely to discuss how he feels about a particular race. The police said that there were no complaints against the massage parlors, and that they were fully licensed and that these places were not frequented by this kid ,dispite what he says. He just killed 8 people,
I say he would be willing to lie about his motive. And I think the sexual hangups thing was an out, because perhaps he feels that the hate thing would not play out as well. Where can you go to find without a doubt Asians to shoot, massage parlors. Why were his parents so quickly on to what was going in to be able to help the cops stop this guy? Perhaps he went out the door saying he was going to go get shoot some Asians! I find it hard to believe that the parents didnt have some prior knowledge of his intent. Like I said not very likely to discuss sex problems with mom and dad but discussing hate of another race entirely plausible!
It is of course too early to tell for sure, but when it is all said and done this may be the end result!
I also read about the almost 150 reviews on rubmaps conserning the three places combined.
But honestly how much mongering do we all really think that a 21 year old has really has done? And he was also on his way to Fl. to get some more, did he monger there as well?
Perhaps but unlikely, because that would be quit a drive.
But because of the last year and the political rhetoric directed at Asians this would make far more sense.
My 2cents.
bambino's Avatar
Dr-epg's Avatar
Move to correct forum
snoopy75's Avatar
Pretty convenient that this happens when the Dems have just started a crusade against the 2nd Amendment.

Didn’t take long Originally Posted by bambino
Pretty convenient that this happens when the Dems have just started a crusade against the 2nd Amendment. Originally Posted by snoopy75
There’s always mass shootings. If we waited until there wasn’t one to push for gun control we’d never do it.
bambino's Avatar
There’s always mass shootings. If we waited until there wasn’t one to push for gun control we’d never do it. Originally Posted by himzert
Why should we?
Jesus, can we stop with the politics already? Why do you guys have to drag that shit into every single discussion?
bambino's Avatar
Jesus, can we stop with the politics already? Why do you guys have to drag that shit into every single discussion? Originally Posted by swpa1706
I agree. There’s a political forum on Eccie. Indys had the Stump. Seems like the Pgh forum has a lot of political discussion in recent months. It’s the same in other cities forums on Eccie too. It is what it is. No sense complaining about it. Just don’t read it.
berryberry's Avatar
I believe that when it is all said and done that this will indeed turn out to be a hate crime against Asians. Originally Posted by Bimbo hunter
Sorry - that is the lazy left wing response to everything.
He was a customer at 2 of the 3 rub joints
He had issues.
A former roommate of his at a halfway house said the shooter had tried to stop acting on his sexual desires as recently as 2020 but had continued going to massage parlors for sex.
Oh and 2 of the victims were white

Quit trying to read more into it and make it into something it is not. It was a messed up dude with issues. Not some politically motivated hate crime against asians original point before those with a political axe to grind hijacked the thread, is to just be safe, everyone. Take care of your mental health as well as your physical health.

Whatever his motivations were, his actions killed 6 people. Had he felt comfortable reaching out for help prior to that day, those people would still be alive.
chizzy's Avatar original point before those with a political axe to grind hijacked the thread, is to just be safe, everyone. Take care of your mental health as well as your physical health.

Whatever his motivations were, his actions killed 6 people. Had he felt comfortable reaching out for help prior to that day, those people would still be alive. Originally Posted by rodgerrabbit
You posted a good post and I'm sure the intentions were well thought out.

The political posts are going to happen simply because the media spins shit to whatever their agenda wants
Notice how they all tried to say it was a racist hate crime without ever digging for the facts and alot of people just automatically take what they say as fact when its not.
Notice they they didnt mention his mental problems and barely mentioned he said when caught he had a sex addiction problem
This is the world we live in now.....

The bottom line is this guy needed help period

And you cannot trust the media what so ever

Again good post
Dr-epg's Avatar
Good conversation

It would be better to start another thread in the political forum, I’m sure there will be some strong opinions

Thank You
The Dr
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
You posted a good post and I'm sure the intentions were well thought out.

The political posts are going to happen simply because the media spins shit to whatever their agenda wants
Notice how they all tried to say it was a racist hate crime without ever digging for the facts and alot of people just automatically take what they say as fact when its not.
Notice they they didnt mention his mental problems and barely mentioned he said when caught he had a sex addiction problem
This is the world we live in now.....

The bottom line is this guy needed help period

And you cannot trust the media what so ever

Again good post Originally Posted by chizzy
The very first thing I heard was that it was a hate crime against sex workers. I didn’t hear anyone trying to spin anything otherwise.
winn dixie's Avatar
Just fyi

Eccie is allowing political discussions in each cities sand boxes. Some prefer their own area over the national forum.