They were looking for nuclear documents

You Trumpys wanted to know details? Here you go.
The FBI search was looking for nuclear documents.
Even a stupid person can see Trump planned on American soil. Yea. Go Trump. Of course that's just my opinion now.

As far as what is known, here is an article.

Let's start a pool. How many weeks, if ever, will the Trumpys continue to defend the indefensible.
The true scope of the right's attempted coup.

When the American People voted Trump out, the cowardly traitor was going to nuke L.A. and because Manhattan had scorned the tiny little Trump.

Now we know why Trump wouldn't show the warrant.
Now we know why he told you, told you because Trump loves the uneducated, to raise hell an help steal America.

Thank you for the midterms.
If the FBI is looking for Nuclear Codes at Trump's house it's because Biden misplaced them. That's how stupid he is, lol.
Trump should be held with out bail until his trial.
I hear that his ex-buddy, Jeffery Epstein's, old cell is available.

Some of you were right a while ago.

We are going to start "collecting" you

Because you are too smart or too stupid to be running around free.

"Garland Moves to Release Details on Search of Trump’s Home

The search was part of a government effort to account for materials related to some of the most highly classified programs run by the United States, a person briefed on the matter said.

Attorney General Merrick B. Garland moved on Thursday to make public the legal authorization for the F.B.I.’s search of former President Donald J. Trump’s home in Florida, which was carried out as part of the government’s effort to account for documents that one person briefed on the matter said related to some of the most highly classified programs run by the United States.
Mr. Garland said he had personally approved the search after the failure of “less intrusive” attempts to retrieve material taken from the White House by Mr. Trump.
Mr. Garland provided no details. But the person briefed on the matter said investigators had been concerned about material from what the government calls “special access programs,” a designation even more classified than “top secret” that is typically reserved for extremely sensitive operations carried out by the United States abroad or for closely held technologies and capabilities.
Government officials have expressed concern that allowing highly classified materials to remain at Mr. Trump’s home could leave them vulnerable to efforts by foreign adversaries to acquire them, according to another person familiar with the Justice Department’s thinking.
In a clipped, two-minute statement to reporters at the Justice Department’s headquarters, Mr. Garland said he decided to break his silence and make a public statement because Mr. Trump had disclosed the action himself. The attorney general also cited the “surrounding circumstances” of the case and the “substantial public interest in this matter.”
But Mr. Garland also used the brief appearance to defend, at least implicitly, the Justice Department’s handling of the case against the torrent of criticism directed at it by Mr. Trump and his allies.
“Upholding the rule of law means applying the law evenly, without fear or favor,” Mr. Garland said. “Under my watch that is precisely what the Justice Department is doing.”
Minutes before Mr. Garland took the podium, a top official in the Justice Department’s national security division filed a motion to unseal the search warrant and an inventory of items retrieved in the search on Monday."

Thanks for the midterms.
You Trumpys wanted to know details? Here you go.
The FBI search was looking for nuclear documents.
Even a stupid person can see Trump planned on American soil. Yea. Go Trump. Of course that's just my opinion now.

As far as what is known, here is an article.

Let's start a pool. How many weeks, if ever, will the Trumpys continue to defend the indefensible.
The true scope of the right's attempted coup.

When the American People voted Trump out, the cowardly traitor was going to nuke L.A. and because Manhattan had scorned the tiny little Trump.

Now we know why Trump wouldn't show the warrant.
Now we know why he told you, told you because Trump loves the uneducated, to raise hell an help steal America.

Thank you for the midterms.
Originally Posted by VerySkeptical

None of the above comments are meant to incite violence against the Trumpys. Even the ones that deserve it.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Trump says he will not oppose Garland’s motion to unseal the warrant or inventory.

Let’s get on with it then.

Trump won’t capitulate, so if this shit is going to go to plaid, let’s just get it over with and start collecting bodies. It seems like the Trump cult feels threatened and is ready to pivot to the dark side once again. The bullshit is flowing too easily from from too many fronts (or behinds more properly stated). What’s next? More attacks on American institutions? More Jan 6 dipshits attacking the FBI?

Just do it, Trump. Do it! We’re here. Come on! Kill America! What are you waiting for!

I for one am tired of this shit every fucking day. Aren’t y’all?
Maybe he declassified the information on our and our allies nuclear programs. Since ya know, that’s actually something Trump would do. I can’t wait for the defense Trumpys come up with for Trump keeping this information at Mar a Lago. I mean, what could go wrong. And maybe some explanation as to why he would even have that and not have turned it over immediately I’m sure is forthcoming. At his next rally he’ll explain it to his followers. I’m sure.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
They leaked this ridiculous story to see if people were dumb enough to believe it. They were (see above).
winn dixie's Avatar
The op bit hard on this non sense.

Will the search warrant instead be looking for jimmy hoffa?

Just when I thought id heard it all?

Does Trump have the supposed National Book of Secrets too?
ICU 812's Avatar
If a Banana Republic is also a Socialist State . . .do they give you free bananas?
Here are the newest lies Libtards want you to believe

LIE President Trump does his taxes
FACT President Trump hires experts to file his taxes following the law

LIE President Trump packed boxes and moved them to Florida
TRUTH President Trump hired movers who under the supervision of the secret service packed his belongings and moved them to storage
Link supporting they weren’t looking for nuclear documents? Laying. Winn, Jazz, any link? One? Do you have any support for that not being the case? Or are you just making up something you think so In your mind it’s gotta be true.
They leaked this ridiculous story to see if people were dumb enough to believe it. They were (see above). Originally Posted by Jacuzzme
If Trump has Nuclear Codes the country is safer with them being at Mar-a-lago than with goofy Biden in Washington, lol.
MarcellusWalluz's Avatar
An anonymous source (who turned out to be Consuelo-Trump's maid) said that agents were sniffing Melania's undies.
Jacuzzme's Avatar
1bm needs a link to know the sky is blue and shit stinks.
Yep. I do. So provide one. I’ll wait.
... Blimey! ... What a fine and ingenious hiding place!

Who would have ever thought for half-a-mo that the National Archives
people would be put in charge of the nuclear codes and information
pages... Reckon I do fancy me-own self being rather clever and
what-not - but even I didn't think that the nuclear codes would
be hidden with the Archives!

So Trump took them with him on the move to Florida??
And when the Archives people asked for them - Trump would not
return them?? ... That's the issue?

Hmmmmm... I would have never thought such senseitive information
would be controlled by "national archives" people.

Kinda always thought a more reasonable place for the nuclear
codes and what-not might be Barrack OBama's fruit bowl - but
didn't expect they'd be hidden at Mar-i-lago with Trump.

#### Salty