campaign bus dumps raw sewage

campaign bus dumps raw sewage

These fuckers spew shit from there mouths all day long... no wonder it's spilling out from the bowels of their busses....
Alchemist2u's Avatar
Ya mean that their 'busses' weren't oral???
Plastic Man's Avatar
everyday the funnels on this dump shit on ...everyone
So much for them DEMs preaching about the enviroment amd Global situation when they can't even abide by simple health standards of the most common nature.
killarys shit?

surprised the dems weren't diving under

to lap it up with their mouths
take some home and spread it on their offsprings foreheads


cradle to grave

obviously the ones that weren't late term aborted and

then had body parts SOLD off

but you could get more if a leg

or some innards

came with a signed smudge of shit on it!!
and yes Donald .. GRAVE

carefull out there

worried about you man
Gotyour6's Avatar
Just helping out the environment.