I know someone isn't back yet-- but I MUST start a political thing.....

Bill & Hillary Clinton were sleeping one night and Hillary wakes up
and starts shaking Bill to wake him up. "Bill, Bill wake up."

Bill stays sleeping.

Hillary continues, "Bill, Bill wake up."

Bill finally wakes up and says, "What do you want?"

Hillary responds, "I have to go use the bathroom."

To which Bill says, "Please tell me you didn't wake me up just to
tell me you have to go to the bathroom."

Hillary says, "No, I just wanted to tell you to save my spot."
RobbThrobb's Avatar
Nice Dennis, its a shame how that scum bag got 4 different passes.
Whoa! (lol)
Whoa! (lol) Originally Posted by Likinikki
Easy there!!
Gladman's Avatar
LOL love it when ya rip on Slick Willy. Especially in light of all the media crap flying these days.