Annoying computer issue fixed (of interest to all!)

At some time or another, we all get hit with various computer problems: viruses, bugs, etc. I trust everyone has all the appropriate software in place to deal with this, i.e., antivirus, spamblock, etc. Recently, my machine slowed down, and I began having "redirects" on almost every link I clicked...even when here on eccie.

I ran every program I have, really cleaned everything up, and still no joy. Seriously, if I wanted to do a search using google, yahoo, etc, I had to click the link once, wait for the redirect to kick in, then close it and re-click to get where I wanted to be. I could find little online help, it was all the same old stuff, do this, do that...

The fix was simple, though, once I got outside the box. I completely uninstalled my wireless router (from the computer...not just disconnected but uninstalled in the device manager), unplugged it from the cable modem, restarted the router, and then RE-SET the router to factory specs. I then reinstalled the router using the original disc, and did something I had not done before: I added encryption to the router.

Living out in the country, I was unconcerned that someone might steal my signal, but what I did not know was that lots of websites that deliver porn have sneaky people who make money from redirects. They can't get into the computer because of all the protection, so they probe the router, and by "spoofing" a firmware update, they can tell every link that gets clicked to re-direct...and google pays them for "click-through" traffic to nowhere.

So, if you are having a seemingly unsolvable problem that your antivir won't fix and you keep getting redirected and sent to amazonaws and surveys and googleadservices and googleanalytics...pull out the manual and reset the wireless router (don't just "cycle" it) and you will have what I have now: A lean, clean, fast-running machine.
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-16-2011, 01:12 AM
Yep. There are a lot of nasty things out there that can really torque a router. Always set them to encrypt. To not do that in a wireless environment is to invite disaster. Glad to read you were able to take care of it.
xfin's Avatar
  • xfin
  • 11-16-2011, 03:14 AM
Just for fun, I tried a freeware program "What's Running" that detects every incoming request on the router...after installing it, I went to one popular porn site, and before I clicked a single link, What'sRunning indicated that there were 68 attempts to "ping" my router for info. SIXTY EIGHT! So, surf safe, guys!
Thanx for reminding folks about "encrypting" Mokoa. Its definitely one of the only ways to go...
Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 11-16-2011, 09:10 PM
Just for fun, I tried a freeware program "What's Running" that detects every incoming request on the router...after installing it, I went to one popular porn site, and before I clicked a single link, What'sRunning indicated that there were 68 attempts to "ping" my router for info. SIXTY EIGHT! So, surf safe, guys! Originally Posted by capone380
Here is a link to their site...