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Okay, was wondering the TALLEST female you ever slept with and how taller (if applicable) was she than yourself? And where did you do it?
PaganGuy's Avatar
I usually go for shorties myself. Im 5'11", my wife is 4'11", and until fairly recently I think the tallest woman I had been with was 5'4" tops.. until I saw Sarah Owens who used to provide here and is now in Austin who I believe is 5'9".. and my current FWB Ive been seeing a few months is also 5'9"..
yay amazons
Rakhir's Avatar
Well I'm 6'2" so I'm guessing she was about 6'3"-6'4". It was quite a novel experience having to look up into her eyes when we were out dancing earlier. If I remember correctly the first time with her was in my tent when we went camping together. It was interesting in a two man backpackers tent.

After that the normal bedroom, kitchen table, living room couch kind of thing. This all happened in my early twenties and I haven't thought about her in years. In retrospect I probably should have married her!

Wow! This thread brought back some great memories of a great woman! Thanks for starting it.
I had a really good amigo who was stationed at Kelly AFB back in the day. He used to rant and rave about a secretary there. The 'rumor' was she was into S-E-X with everyone but her husband. She was a HUGE Spurs fan and apparently had a "GB" with either one of the guys and/or his friends. I'm only 5/6; she was probably 5/8 or so. Nice manmades, brunette. Actually invited her to a game (the boys still played at the arena back then), she knew an usher and got us closer seats. Afterwards, we went to eat - or maybe that was before the game - then back to her place afterwards. I remember I was a bit nervous as she sounded way more experienced than I was at the time (and probably still is!).

I recall she was lying on her back on her bed and when I unhooked her bra, and those babies just fell to the side - like a slo motion type thing. I do recall it was one of my better performances. We banged for between one and two hours. Typical - I got on top, she got on top, back and forth...I musta been really nervous because I didn't even bust a nut. So who knows, maybe she had been drilled by a bunch of AA guys.

She wasn't a beauty queen, mind you but, a piece of ass is a piece of ass, right? We never really kept in touch much after that. I believe she was either filing for divorce, getting ready to, and/or was already separated. Naturally, you guys know KAFB was scheduled to be closed by BRAC in 1995.
RobbThrobb's Avatar
I was in highschool and she was an underclassman. I'm 5'7'' she is 5'10'' beautiful mix of white and hisp. The most I remember besides taking her virginity is this piece of cartilege or bone? Something sharp in her pelvic area that would jab me each time. I didnt care til afterwards.
Fubarro's Avatar
I'm 6'2" She was 6'9" and weighed spitting distance of me! Sex was always a damn rigorous romp!
6' (Buttman'sDream) and I'm 5'10". It was awesome! It brought back highschool memories. As a freshman, I got lucky with my friend's sister, who was a senior (and also was a tall basketball player).