Who is suiram77 express your opinion

suiram77's Avatar
I wanted to do the community a favor by creating a thread that will allow you to express your opinion, feelings, anger etc, about my handle without getting hit with points or staying on topic. I am the topic, since it’s obvious I’m the only thing important around here lmao. All I ask is that no one meantion my deceased mother or grandmother like Jules did in another thread that’s not cool.

Every thing else is fair game as long as it’s within the board rules, but at least we all will be on topic. I have band and labor mettings all day today so I will check back in here later tonight. Have fun eccie community
Chung Tran's Avatar
Every thing else is fair game as long as it’s within the board rules Originally Posted by suiram77
remove that muzzle, and I can write for days
L.A.'s Avatar
  • L.A.
  • 10-17-2017, 11:40 AM
Alex, I'll take things I don't give a shit about for 1000.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-17-2017, 11:46 AM
You've found the daily double!
Waiting for the comments like . . .

WTF Don't feed the trolls or should I say troll.
Crock's Avatar
  • Crock
  • 10-17-2017, 12:27 PM
Well, I won't demur.

Suiram77 is a disruption to eccie who has a difficult time writing in English. He's great at annoying and insulting other eccie members and does practically nothing to make eccie a better place. He has been an apologist for vile acts. He has taken misogyny to new levels at eccie. I think he has caused me to hit the red triangle more than any other person at eccie (thrice now, IIRC).

Moderating a forum is no easy feat and the need to remain objective is vital, but if Suiram77 continues, or, worse, he sparks a few copycats, it could seriously damage eccie's business model.
corona's Avatar
How about we just not. I encourage everyone to hit the on the original post to request mods either close the thread or move it to the sandbox.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-17-2017, 12:43 PM
That would require owners and mods to give a shit about trolls and the toxic levels of the board...
Admiral Giggle's Avatar
Sweet Baby Tebow.

WTF are you doing Mr OP?

Does the ECCIE motto of "You Wrote It, You Own It" mean anything?

All you've done now is open up for all the Dumpster Fire trolls from across the board to research you and unleash their wrath.

This is gonna be one fucked up, Warning & Infraction filled Ban the fuck out of fucktard, hooktard and retard on points type of thread.

May the ECCIE tards have mercy on your soul.

I think I speak for the rest of the Dallas Staff when I say....

And without breaking any guidelines on medical speculation, and if I get points for the following, then ok....

mrredcat43's Avatar
A wannabe troll who can dish it, but can't take it. Little bitch!
Sweet Baby Tebow.

WTF are you doing Mr OP?

Does the ECCIE motto of "You Wrote It, You Own It?" mean anything?

All you've done now is open up for all the Dumpster Fire trolls from across the board to research you and unleash their wrath.

This is gonna be one fucked up, Warning & Infraction filled Ban the fuck out of fucktard, hooktard and retard on points type of thread.

May the ECCIE tards have mercy on your soul.

I think I speak for the rest of the Dallas Staff when I say....

And without breaking any guidelines on medical speculation, and if I get points for the following, then ok....

Originally Posted by Admiral Giggle
Extremely well said.
Concerning, the OP's question (so that I am technically still on topic), I gave my last fuck to somebody else.

(okay, okay, all right already even; It wasn't given away. I paid for that fuck... and I'm proud of it.)
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
He's the kind of retard that farts in the tub and eats the bubbles

TheEccie214's Avatar
Wouldn’t piss on him if he were on fire. The way he lashes out at people and demeans the ladies here he gives me great concern for the safety of anyone that sees him. I’m a troll of the highest degree but I don’t joke about the safety of the ladies.

I think this is a trick so I’m not gonna say what I really would like to say but it’d be much, much worse.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 10-17-2017, 03:40 PM
Why are ya'll talking about him like he is a he?

Suiram writes and behaves like some old ghetto hooker whose twat rotted off ala blue waffle style.

Who the fuck can cry foul when people make up shit about "his" mom and grandmother when "he" himself starts talking lies about pregnancy and shit? Weak ass. It is like Suiram has trouble letting go... "He" might still have their bodies buried under the porch.

*awaits spanking*
(if I rtm my own post does that get the beating over with faster?)

All this shit is doing is giving the troll more attention that is obviously so desperately craved.
