Opinions on dogs at incalls?

WinterNicole's Avatar
I am planning to offer incalls next weekend for three days at a hotel. I can't leave my great Dane at home for those 3 days and need to bring him. I chose a hotel with a separate living room and bedroom. If he doesn't bark, stays in his crate in the other room, and there isn't dog hair all over the place would this be an issue for you? Would you want a provider to let you know before hand if a dog is there? Would it cause you to not book a session?
ahab11's Avatar
Not for me...i'm a big dog lover but yeah you should let guys know as some have allergy issues.

A Great Dane in a crate....that is one big ass crate.
Being a dog owner myself, I am not necessarily averse to a dog being at an incall, even if it's not my first preference. I've actually had a number of incall sessions where the lady had a dog (or cat) present. Do be up front about it. With that said, I'd hope for the following:

1. No barking or other noise.
2. No bad smell.
3. No poop on the carpets or other areas. That's a major buzzkill and just screams unsanitary conditions.
4. No surprise licks on my rear.

And, from Inspector Clouseau...


Sir Lancehernot's Avatar
I've left some incalls happier for having seen the dog than the provider.

Better a Great Dane than a Yorkie. Itds be awful if you rolled over at the wrong time and smushed her dog.

What the other guys said about being upfront and sanitary.
mikecollin's Avatar
Its best to let them know. Allergies, fear of dogs, etc. Its all about managing expectations with no surprises.
Hotels let you bring big dogs???
It's all about letting the client know ahead of time and keeping the play area separate from the dog area.

It sounds like you have this figured out.

Just make sure your client's have a heads up. I would mention this in your showcase.

Good luck!
scsholar's Avatar
Hotels let you bring big dogs??? Originally Posted by Brandee69
Some do actually.

As far as dogs, everytime I've met a provider with a dog, session has turned out memorable.
  • Will
  • 02-10-2018, 06:56 PM
One provider I have seen multiple times has a little terrier she keeps in a crate in a seperate room when I am in apartment. It yips a little bit when you walk in but then calms down and you forget the pup is even there. Not a problem at all if you follow the advice the others have given.
~Ze~'s Avatar
  • ~Ze~
  • 02-10-2018, 07:00 PM

A lot of places are actually dog friendly.

Even "high end" hotels. Some require a deposit, some require that the dog is NOT left untended in the room that way there is less risk of damage and so housekeeping can access. The NYLO is dog friendly. Not sure what others in Dallas are, never needed one.

I've taken my dog overseas multiple times. He is 75 lb mutt puppy. Spoiled doggo.

While I wouldn't personally keep a dog at my incall (I have a personal house for him to stay at) I have never been a touring girl and needed to take him with me.

If I did need to, I would be upfront, and considerate like you have.

Crate, separate room, advanced notice.

I can't stop my dog from barking or whining when he wants something. *sigh* A bad habit I didn't stop soon enough and can't break now.
WinterNicole's Avatar
Thanks guys.

Yes it is a big crate but if you ask my dog he thinks he is tiny.

He will be groomed the day before and crated during appointments. I am picky about him being clean and not smelling. Thankfully he is not Barker at all.

And yes some will let you bring them but at a cost. He has a nightly fee.
mtabsw's Avatar
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corona's Avatar
after festivities, can you let the dog out so I can meet him? I was a dog in a former life.
TheWanderer's Avatar
4. No surprise licks on my rear.

.. Originally Posted by Cossetan
Actually, I'll take that one.
Charlie Brown's Avatar
God Damn !

You just rattled my cage and opened a precious memory Winter.

PM sent !