Earn $13,000 a year selling your feces

WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-30-2015, 06:37 PM
I'm thinking JewishLawyer, lustyladdie and JDCornhole can make a million as much shit as they are full of!

You can donate blood, plasma, eggs, and sperm. Why not poop? Yes, your feces are perhaps your greatest untapped monetary resource. Thanks to a nonprofit organization called OpenBiome, you can cash in to the tune of $13,000 a year -- and save lives while you're at it.

Since 2013, OpenBiome has been processing and shipping loads of it all over the country. The frozen stool is administered to patients who are very sick with infections of a bacteria called C. difficile.
Move to "The Conference Room."
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Move to "The Conference Room." Originally Posted by gnadfly
rioseco's Avatar
I'm thinking JewishLawyer, lustyladdie and JDCornhole can make a million as much shit as they are full of!

You can donate blood, plasma, eggs, and sperm. Why not poop? Yes, your feces are perhaps your greatest untapped monetary resource. Thanks to a nonprofit organization called OpenBiome, you can cash in to the tune of $13,000 a year -- and save lives while you're at it.

Since 2013, OpenBiome has been processing and shipping loads of it all over the country. The frozen stool is administered to patients who are very sick with infections of a bacteria called C. difficile. Originally Posted by WTF
They should connect a suck-truck caravan to the Whitehouse. There lies and endless pit of shit !
Yssup Rider's Avatar
They should connect a suck-truck caravan to the Whitehouse. There lies and endless pit of shit !
Originally Posted by rioseco
Jesus, Cornholio! You hijacked a thread about making $13k a year selling your own shit. Gutsy move!

Just think what you could do with an extra $13k. Like get off the government teat.

You could also call a whooker who actually shows up for a session!

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Are you hijacking this thread, AssupLiar? Or are you just excited about finding a new source of income? This news must be like hitting the lottery for you!

BTW, why won't you answer my question in the other thread?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-31-2015, 05:14 AM
Sup would become a billionaire as much shit as comes out of his mouth alone. LMFAO
Sup would become a billionaire as much shit as comes out of his mouth alone. LMFAO Originally Posted by seedman55
Good to see you Seedy! Where have you been hiding?
Seedy's Avatar
  • Seedy
  • 01-31-2015, 05:31 AM
Good to see you Seedy! Where have you been hiding? Originally Posted by bigtex
Never left, just got into a posting lull.
Never left, just got into a posting lull. Originally Posted by seedman55
I am glad to see that Dopey Dude Daddio did not coax you out onto his ledge.

I was starting to get worried.
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 01-31-2015, 10:42 AM
Move to "The Conference Room." Originally Posted by gnadfly
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Shit boys, I forgot you two are stool sale'n gold mines too. Sorry , didn't mean to hurt your feelings

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
So WPF, do you have illegal aliens collect your shit and take it to the processing plant for you? I knew you couldn't make a living selling substandard flophouses. Now we know.

Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
So WPF, do you have illegal aliens collect your shit and take it to the processing plant for you? I knew you couldn't make a living selling substandard flophouses. Now we know.

Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Fucking priceless!
Doubling over, ROTFLMFAO!!
[QUOTE=Yssup Rider;1056327247] Gutsy move! Just think what you could do with an extra $13k. [QUOTE]

Quit bragging... you deserve every pecker you sucked in your glory hole and the money that goes with them... you worked hard for the money...
rioseco's Avatar
Jesus, Cornholio! You hijacked a thread about making $13k a year selling your own shit. Gutsy move!

Just think what you could do with an extra $13k. Like get off the government teat.

You could also call a whooker who actually shows up for a session!

Originally Posted by Yssup Rider
Im not on the gub'mint tit you liberal retard. I am a hard line conservative. Folks like me pave the way and pay the bills for swine like you fuck face !
Now hi-jack that you spermacidal manaic !