Middle aged men have 'hotness delusion syndrome'

Middle aged men have 'hotness delusion syndrome'

Experts say some men in their 40s have an inflated sense of their own attractiveness, owing to the man drought and the competition among women for available blokes of a certain age.

MIDDLE-aged men are being chased so much by single women that they are becoming deluded about their sex appeal.

A drought of mid-40s single men, compared with single women of the same age, means they are fiercely pursued, inflating their opinion of their attractiveness.
KPMG demographer Bernard Salt, author of The Big Tilt: What Happens When Boomers Bust and Xers and Ys Inherit the Earth, says the imbalance has created a monster he dubs the "hotness delusion syndrome".
And in a case of "beware the cougar", he believes a lack of eligible 40-something bachelors will result in more confident, well-educated older women prowling for younger mates.
"An available male in his 40s receives a lot of attention because he's the only thing going around," Mr Salt said.

"He can be balding and paunchy, but this is not what he sees in the mirror. He sees nothing less than trim, taut and, so he is told, terrific."
At 44, there are 15 per cent fewer available males than females. Mr Salt predicts more women will start seeking younger men to fill the void.
"We have a new generation of empowered women ... more likely to have a university degree," he said.
"Women of the previous generation who were in their 40s were less inclined to get out, and did not have as many skills in the workforce."
But "hotness delusion syndrome" was reversed for the sexes in their mid-20s.
At age 25, single men outnumbered single women by 23 per cent because they were competing with older men, he said.
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Those old farts!
I've always had a thing for older men (and no, no daddy issues here).

I'm interested in knowing where you found this at? I don't think middle aged men are the only ones who have that delusion though. It comes in all ages, shapes and sizes.
I'm interested in knowing where you found this at? Originally Posted by MsElena
growler's Avatar
HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! HA! Those old farts! Originally Posted by Marshall
A bit of Envy?
A bit of Envy? Originally Posted by growler
Envy????............ About being delusional?

This article is talking about mid-forties ladies not having enough mid-forties guys.....as things are now, I wish these cougars would stop making plays for me....everytime it happens, it's like ICK! I wish there were more forty-ish guys to keep these broads occupied......I'll be dead before I'm with a forty-something lady. As things are now, I barely dip into the 30's let alone 40's.....no offense to any lady here, but that's just my personal preference. I have no doubt you're all beautiful on the inside.....
I've had a thing for older men ever since I was sixteen and saw a movie with George Clooney featured in it. xoxo
I've had a thing for older men ever since I was sixteen and saw a movie with George Clooney featured in it. xoxo Originally Posted by Joie Estelle
I never understood why George never hit the gym......Do ladies actually like the skinny-unmuscled look?
John Bull's Avatar
But he's such a f...g...t
I never understood why George never hit the gym......Do ladies actually like the skinny-unmuscled look? Originally Posted by Marshall
George was/is very facially attractive. So not only are middle aged men sought after by older women, but also younger ones and girls (daddy issues or not). I would have a self-inflated ego if I were a man in my 40's too!

My room, now!
Envy????............ About being delusional?

This article is talking about mid-forties ladies not having enough mid-forties guys.....as things are now, I wish these cougars would stop making plays for me....everytime it happens, it's like ICK! I wish there were more forty-ish guys to keep these broads occupied......I'll be dead before I'm with a forty-something lady. As things are now, I barely dip into the 30's let alone 40's.....no offense to any lady here, but that's just my personal preference. I have no doubt you're all beautiful on the inside..... Originally Posted by Marshall
Older MILFs/Cougars in their 40s are my favorite. I was doing THEM when I was in my 20s, and they never stop pleasing me.

So you can feel free leave them to me. Hehehehehe.
Older MILFs/Cougars in their 40s are my favorite. I was doing THEM when I was in my 20s, and they never stop pleasing me.

So you can feel free leave them to me. Hehehehehe. Originally Posted by TexanAtPlay
Hell, you can be my wingman! Nothing better than a wingman who doesn't compete with you....I'll even lend you an iron to iron out the wrinkles in their birthday suits......
Envy????............ About being delusional?

This article is talking about mid-forties ladies not having enough mid-forties guys.....as things are now, I wish these cougars would stop making plays for me....everytime it happens, it's like ICK! I wish there were more forty-ish guys to keep these broads occupied......I'll be dead before I'm with a forty-something lady. As things are now, I barely dip into the 30's let alone 40's.....no offense to any lady here, but that's just my personal preference. I have no doubt you're all beautiful on the inside..... Originally Posted by Marshall

Well, this "broad" doesn't mind that you want someone young and dumb. Most men who are older and only go after the early 20's chicks are usually wanting to control them to a point and if you get them young & dumb, its easy for you to do so. Mold them into something YOU want without a care for what she truly wants.