It is possible to f*ck your brains out

Now I know that I don't have altsheimers (sp) it is I just fucked my brains out to many times. Such a relief.

Good find JD
Hey it seems you and John Bull posted about the same article at pretty much the same time!
I beat him by 3 hours
Duh...ummmmm....errrrrr....wha t????
That comes from banging your head on the headboard repeatedly....
Willen's Avatar
Well, the best sessions are ones in which I have only the most general impression of how it unfolded, so caught up in the moment am I. And at the end I have a sensation of such utterly relaxation that I don't want to do or say anything for a minute or two. A grin is about the most I can muster.
Cumandgitit's Avatar
What braynes?
That comes from banging your head on the headboard repeatedly.... Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
You're funny and pretty