What do ancient penis decorations say about us?

Hi Ladies and Gents!

Hope that article holds some interest for you as well ;-)

"At what point does sex cease to function as a purely practical means of reproduction? In other words, by what process does sex become something more than just a biological imperative; when do things like eroticism and sexuality emerge in an anthropological context?

Sex and sexuality have obviously been well-established cornerstones of humanity's collective social experience for some time, so answering questions like these is understandably difficult. And yet, logic dictates that there was almost certainly a point in time when our ancestors first started to relate to sexuality in ways that differ from the rest of Earth's species. So when might such changes have occurred?

see the full article:
Madame X's Avatar
Interesting article, thanks for posting. And I see you're in Vienna now? I will be soon as well

Sex as a practical means of reproduction... humans aren't the only species that mates for pure pleasure. Dolphins, most primates, and parrots come to mind... although I'm sure there's more. So personally, while ancient erotic art is quite amusing to me, it doesn't answer any questions as to when we *came up with* the idea that sex was tons of fun I think it was known long before humans were humans.

~Mme X~
  • ogre
  • 11-08-2011, 09:50 AM
This article and this line of thinking are incredibly interesting. As a species, it seems to me that the imperative to reproduce drives the species until it reaches a sustainable, critical mass. Population studies around the black plagues in Europe show population spikes afterward related to the absolute devastation that the plague just brought.

On a personal level, it ceased being about reproduction and about pleasure after the first time I was with a woman.

So I think the motivations are different between the micro and macro view.
pleasure has always been the primary objective for human sexuality.....pleasure saves us from extinction.......there's nothing new under the sun about human eroticism/sexuality....it's arrogant to think sex is better now than before....if anything, the new birth control technologies have led to behaviors which have disrupted the stability of our social structures, causing immense human suffering.......
London Rayne's Avatar
The fact that we are on a hooker board paying and being paid for sex, should make that answer crystal clear. I don't know anyone today who actually thinks of sex as love anymore much less for reproduction only.

Sex with someone I am in love with is always better than just getting off with someone I have no feelings for. Sure it feels good, but so do many other highs in life I can think of.

Whenever you need something that bad to make you feel good, complete, or whole...time for therapy. Sex like anything else, still holds some boundaries. At least it should.

I feel many of the destructive things in this life are a result of humans being selfish and risking everything for just a small amount of pleasure..not worth it IMO.
Wow Nina,
a very intellectual , stimulating conversation that I have no idea about and you keep proving the point the point over and over again that you are smart and beautiful. Can I borrow your top hat thats in your picture? That out fit is off the chain. You can tell I have a crush on you.. wink wink
Interesting article Nina. I find it amusing that the researchers found it necessary to comment that the artifacts were mostly of male genitals and further that the phalluses were of erect penises. I’m curious whether per-historic man used the phalluses as icons for male dominated ceremonies or if they were used as sexual devices by women as societies like the Chinese have used for women's’ pleasure for thousands and thousands of years.

Of course sex is all about the pleasure unless you are actively trying to get pregnant whether singularly as a woman or a couple. One of the main reasons humans and some other primates treat sex as a pleasurable experience verses simply mating is that human females are sexually receptive all the time. This affects the sexual behavior many ways. For one, the female gets pleasure from the sexual act and therefore more receptive to male advances. Two, females through out history have used sex as a tool to gain male attention, resources and favor. From the male perspective, since human females are always receptive, I would think the competition for females isn’t quite so intensive. Access to sex isn’t limited to the rut or any given female’s heat. I don’t know, these are just some of my thoughts and observations on the matter.
London Rayne's Avatar
Penis Envy...ijs.
A fossilized one found near Mt Vesuvius had teeth marks.
London Rayne's Avatar
Just expresses to me that the man was still ruled by his weenie years ago, and that a hard weenie is better than a soft one. We worship the penis...well, some of them. Some need a do over.
I B Hankering's Avatar
The female played a prominent role also, otherwise anthropologists wouldn't have all these pornographic dolls to play with.


@ Olivia - The ladies of Nantucket employed plaster dildos known as 'he's at homes'" while their menfolk were away searching for their Moby Dick (honestly, no pun intended) so those stone 'artifacts' from an earlier might have had other uses.
London Rayne's Avatar
Ewww...bring the weenies back!
Those Venus figurines are still a hot debate in archaeological and art history circles. Politicized, in some cases. Though this isn't prehistorical, the Sheela-na-Gig has always been very fascinating to me:

But for pure hotness factor, Yakshini, for the win:

Guest010619's Avatar
You should check out the park by Lake Zurich in Switzerland. Lots of naked statues.