Referrals by Eccie Members

Now all members here know that providers almost always ask for references when seeing a new hobbyist so why would an Eccie Hobbyist refer a provider to a non-Eccie member that has no references, nor is on P411and not contact the provider that he had done so?

One of my thoughts were that the so called non-eccie member is LE. I am out in BFE Kansas and do not appear in the search of showcases. He knew exactly what town I was in, so there is a slim chance he was legit.

With all that said, if you do refer a provider to another, please please instruct them in proper protocol when contacting us.
1. Introduce yourself
2. Have reference info available.

****If he would have given me the handle of the Eccie member I would have tried to verify him that way.
(giving a first name and no other info does not pass the screening process for most providers.)
Now all members here know that providers almost always ask for references when seeing a new hobbyist so why would an Eccie Hobbyist refer a provider to a non-Eccie member that has no references, nor is on P411and not contact the provider that he had done so?

One of my thoughts were that the so called non-eccie member is LE. I am out in BFE Kansas and do not appear in the search of showcases. He knew exactly what town I was in, so there is a slim chance he was legit.

With all that said, if you do refer a provider to another, please please instruct them in proper protocol when contacting us.
1. Introduce yourself
2. Have reference info available.

****If he would have given me the handle of the Eccie member I would have tried to verify him that way.
(giving a first name and no other info does not pass the screening process for most providers.) Originally Posted by Indefinable Ms. M
But you're retired, right?

So who cares?

Were you willing to become "unretired" if this hypothetical guy checked out?

What does, "Retired" really mean? Eligible for Social Security, or something else?