The real problem...

  • Tack
  • 09-02-2019, 11:50 PM
I want to first establish the premise that I have never trusted a man that does not think with his cock. If a man thinks with his cock you can trust him because at least you know where he is coming from.
With that said, the real problem with everything is Texas Governor Greg Abbott does not think with his cock. I do not think he can even get his cock up in that wheel chair. O.K. I know I am a asshole for putting down a handicap person but the fact still stands. Handicap or not, the guy does not think with his cock and is the real reason for all the bullshit.
Dev Null's Avatar
Larry Flynt was in a wheelchair, and it didn't affect his thinking that way.

I think the real problem is the belief that sex is sinful, and that we were put here on earth to stop people from sinning.

You don't have to be a sex fiend to believe in freedom and the pursuit of happiness. You just have to have a little empathy.
rCoder's Avatar
The real problem is ignorance and intentional misinformation (propaganda).

Historically the shape of the penis that pumped out sperm gave that male a better chance of propagating. All good.
Then came civilization and the desire to pass life’s positions, power and/or wealth. Since the successful did not necessarily have the best penises, the controlling access to the females rose importance. With the unfortunate rise in power of the church, they naturally codified marriage and established morals to facilitate inheritance.
So for hundreds of years the children of church sanctioned unions prospered and society accepted this as proper. One side note is that this only guaranteed inheritance via the female line, but that was politely ignored. Of course this also propagated the power of the church.
So along comes genetic testing so it is relatively easy to establish paternity. This really makes the whole concept of marriage obsolete for inheritance purposes. It is a concept that is lingering on due to the social, legal, and religious inertia.
Now the idiots raised on unquestioning faith are still trying to adhere to these archaic concepts without bothering to question why. The war on prostitution is just momentum. If they would really question why, it would crack their faith.
  • Tack
  • 09-06-2019, 03:59 AM
Larry Flynt was in a wheelchair, and it didn't affect his thinking that way.

I think the real problem is the belief that sex is sinful, and that we were put here on earth to stop people from sinning.

You don't have to be a sex fiend to believe in freedom and the pursuit of happiness. You just have to have a little empathy. Originally Posted by Dev Null
For starters I salute Larry Flint, and I would argue that even though Larry Flint was wheel chair bound and probably could not get a rise, Larry Flint in his own special way was still able to think with cock.

The Texas Governor is too far gone and is screwed.