Encounter: Daisy at Relax. 35 Regal R. Area

Date: Week of June 25
Name: Daisy
Phone: Gotta be screened first.
Email Address: I don’t use it.
URL / Website:
City: Dallas
State: Texas
Address: I-35, Regal Row.
Activities: See ROS.
Hair Length and Color: Straight blonde, past her shoulders.
Age: Website says 19 and I believe it.
Smoking Status: I Couldn't Tell
Ethnic Background: White/Caucasian

Physical Description: About 5’4”, 115-120 lbs., clear, smooth skin, one tat on her upper right back was all I could remember. Blue eyes, A/B naturals. A girl-next-door look to her. Website pics are her, accurate.

Recommendation: Up to you...