Have you ever?

Has anyone ever meet/dated a lady or gentleman in their normal life and found out later they were in the business (provider)?
Not yet. A number of my exes were amateur whores, though. Does that count?

(I'm joking, btw. I consider myself a man whore, and firmly believe that "Everybody pays." It's just not always with money.)

This is similar, but not exactly what you meant, but I have recently learned that a couple of my acquaintances engage in pay-for-play. I heard them dropping "hobby terms" in a conversation, which heretofore I would never have caught.
Has anyone ever meet/dated a lady or gentleman in their normal life and found out later they were in the business (provider)? Originally Posted by Sabrababy
I met, dated, and married lady--and stayed married for 23 years--who wasn't a provider. At all. Does that count?
Not yet. A number of my exes were amateur whores, though. Does that count?

(I'm joking, btw. I consider myself a man whore, and firmly believe that "Everybody pays." It's just not always with money.)

This is similar, but not exactly what you meant, but I have recently learned that a couple of my acquaintances engage in pay-for-play. I heard them dropping "hobby terms" in a conversation, which heretofore I would never have caught. Originally Posted by TheAdmiral
Do you hate women or what? Do you find it appropriate to call women whores. I find it very distasteful. I can see why you have a number of ex's!
I don't care if you are on a escort site or not, show some respect for women.
burkalini's Avatar
Sabra I think the correct term on this site is Hooktard
Sorry, Sabra. That was in poor taste. I was just kidding.
Do you hate women or what? Do you find it appropriate to call women whores. I find it very distasteful. I can see why you have a number of ex's!
I don't care if you are on a escort site or not, show some respect for women. Originally Posted by Sabrababy
Hooktardism has been going around (as in "contagious") lately, apparently. Hell, I'm guilty of it myself recently - must have caught the bug.

That said, Admiral did say he was joking . . . ijs.

Sabra, if you can't handle the word "whore" on a SHMB . . . well, holy shit . . . and here most people thought I was the only one that had a stick up her ass. LMAO!


- Jackie

EDIT: Taste is relative, I thought it was kind of funny, in the self-deprecating sense.

Sorry, Sabra. That was in poor taste. I was just kidding. Originally Posted by TheAdmiral
Hooktardism has been going around (as in "contagious") lately, apparently. ... Originally Posted by Jackie Devlin
Yes, in much the same way as does lice.
It's all good.


Yes I can handle the word "whore", on here and any other place I might hear it. I just think its a very distasteful way to describe someone's daughter, sister or mother!!

As for a stick up my ass, let someone call me a whore out side the bedroom and they will know how a stick feels up theirs!
Meh. Just a word.
Whore, escort, hooker, courtesan.........means all the same thing......you're fucking for money. Its just a matter of semantics.

If a guy calls me a whore, I call him a trick. No biggie.

With your kind permission, I'd like to pursue this a little more, this issue of calling ladies, "whores" and gentlemen, "tricks," etc. More or less, this would be for my own personal understanding and not a basis of judgment.

Much as some would like to believe the board is some 'wild west, rootin-tootin, hooker town where men are men and common decency is checked at the saloon door' I find it hard to believe. So, help broaden my understanding by entertaining a few questions.

First, I have a son with autism. I am grateful that the society in which we live would never tolerate anyone calling him a 'retard' or any variation thereof. It is unacceptable and, at rank-minimum, boorish. Nor would our society call my african american golf partner by the 'N' word (or any variation thereof).

Why, then, do we believe that calling a lady a 'hooktard' is acceptable? And if this moniker is not disrespectful, what names could you be called that are? And the final question to which I would enjoy a response is, do you believe there are any standards of decency and civility to which members of this board should comply to avoid being social cretins?

I'm in a thinking frame of mind tonight. And I eagerly anticipate your responses.

All the best.
Right! To me it's just a word, not a loaded or pejorative term--that's why I referred to myself as a whore. I don't consider myself any better than anyone else.

I just meant I'd been cheated on... one of my exes had A LOT of gentlemen friends. That's all.

I can't recall ever actually calling a woman a whore. I think of myself as one, and it would be hypocritical.

Does kind of make me wonder, though, if I've ever been friends with a provider and just didn't know it?

Edit: Was writing this as post above went up. It seems like "provider" and "client" are relatively safe terms.
Osolomio's Avatar
I have been pretty naive about the hobby for most of my life. I knew it existed, but in my home town?! I had been sitting at my favorite bar when I was approached. I just thought she was coming on to me a bit strong, it was right in front of the bartender. I even made a joke out of the offer and he laughed (at me, I later realized) and pissed the two girls off. I commented that that was a weird way to meet me, and he enlightened me that they were providers. I was thunderstruck.

The language used to ask if I was involved in the hobby suddenly lit up several memories of various women asking me the same question. Each time I had thought they were asking me a cultural question and I had enlightened the ladies of how my culture dealt with the scenario. Leaving them puzzled and me not having gotten laid.


With your kind permission, I'd like to pursue this a little more, this issue of calling ladies, "whores" and gentlemen, "tricks," etc. More or less, this would be for my own personal understanding and not a basis of judgment.

Much as some would like to believe the board is some 'wild west, rootin-tootin, hooker town where men are men and common decency is checked at the saloon door' I find it hard to believe. So, help broaden my understanding by entertaining a few questions.

First, I have a son with autism. I am grateful that the society in which we live would never tolerate anyone calling him a 'retard' or any variation thereof. It is unacceptable and, at rank-minimum, boorish. Nor would our society call my african american golf partner by the 'N' word (or any variation thereof).

Why, then, do we believe that calling a lady a 'hooktard' is acceptable? And if this moniker is not disrespectful, what names could you be called that are? And the final question to which I would enjoy a response is, do you believe there are any standards of decency and civility to which members of this board should comply to avoid being social cretins?

I'm in a thinking frame of mind tonight. And I eagerly anticipate your responses.

All the best. Originally Posted by JDNorthface


I guess it all depends on the person. I was raised to be respectful of all people, I know someone that works with autistic people and calls them retards all the the time, after asking her to please not use that word around me she continued, so I just stopped being around her.
As for the word "whore", well I associate the word with "Pimps and drugs".... Even with this being said, I would never call another women a whore anymore then I would call a man a trick, john.....
I remember being out with my grandmother shopping and there was this lady who looked beautiful to me and I said something to my grandmother and she told me, "she is a lady of the night". From that day on I wanted to be a "lady of the night".