Anyone nervous about the UCLA game?

burkalini's Avatar
First and formost I am a Husker fan all the way. I am a little nervous about the UCLA game. I am a UCLA alumni and normally woould root for them against anyone else but for this one I am GBR all the way. They did look pretty good last week and we haven't had the best record lately on our 1st road game. I hope we beat them by 40

Any thoughts?
Ever since I was a little boy I've had a fantasy about a UCLA cheerleader. Must be that powder blue top they wear.

Any stories to fess up on that, burkalini?

As to your actual topic, I'm tending to think that Beck isn't going to be so quick to abandon something that IS working, so I think we can pound them again and again.
Osolomio's Avatar
What was their record last season? Any reason to expect that their win total doubles this year? The gambling powers that be suggest we win by 5. Last week they said 20. I say we win by 2 to 4 touchdowns. Wish I could go. Even if I couldn't get into the stadium, I'd go just for the weather...& the chicks.

Goooooooooooooo Biggggggggggggggg ReeEEEEeeeeeeeeeeedddd!!!
burkalini's Avatar
I have things in town this week or I would be there. Mutual when you get them undressed they look just like Nebraska girls only with alot better tan. lol
USC cheerleaders are even hotter...have had many fantasies about that!!
burkalini's Avatar
Classy your going way out of line USC has the most butt ugly women in the history of man.

Disclaimer: All statements against USC are mandatory for all UCLA alumni
Huskers by 12. 42-30
Never had a cheerleader but fucked quite a few band girls.
Cheerleaders aren't all they're cracked up to be. Now pom pom girls are were its at.
Not to get off the topic of cheerleaders (as that is more imporant) but the line seems really low to me, I thought it would be around 9 or 10 with us favored.

I think we win by 17 or so but been wrong MANY times before. Can't see them stopping our offense, weak defense
huskerguyomaha's Avatar
Don't know about this one. Bo's teams seem to always have trouble with mobile QBs.