Cash app girl beware

Another one of these cash app girls that wants a deposit before meeting. No reviews, just popped up in past day or so. Then the PayPal is linked to an Eric Moody who has done this several times using "hot" girls.

I understand how trusted and well established providers asking to pre pay but guys for new girls and your doing deposits watch how many are not real or are scams.
Missburger's Avatar
Never pre pay

Especially now
I d c if you have seen them or not before verified or not
Providers, non providers, guys, and girls have been doing this for years. When they need money they post these ads to scam people.

If it didn't work they wouldn't still be doing it.

H5678J's Avatar
Another one
Old saying: if it sounds too good to be true - it probably is.
SA is loaded with these CashApp girls now. They want to be paid now for photos and will meet later. NO THANKS.
Next Best Thing's Avatar
deposits. lol.
Dzaddy_D's Avatar
A deposit for pussy? Incredible. Are they doing credit checks yet?
Zollner's Avatar
Can't believe anyone would send any deposits, smh.
Carlos Danger's Avatar
Deeply troubled vermin behaving dishonestly, at the expense of a respectable fella purchasing funnel. Whew
Many guys must be doing it or they wouldnt keep putting up those adds
Zollner's Avatar
Well who said there's a sucker born every minute???
Funniest thing is to play along .

Ask for verification

Tell them ur driving to address

Catch em in 20 lies

Ask them for copy of their license

Drive them fucking crazy

Then give them the bad news. You are with the FBI local law enforcement or fraud divisions of state.

Let them know all the sexual promises and requests for payments for sexual acts are now documented and they can expect a subpoena within 10 days

You win when you see they take ad down

God this is a boring time in history.
Willie Wanker's Avatar
Over that past few days I see a lot of new ads from girls with no phone numbers. Most of them in the "too good to be true" category. Probably all scams.