Just What Is It That Makes Providers Flake?

I write this the morning after making a worthless drive from my home in far southern Ellis County to the Galleria to meet a highly regarded provider who I set a date with in chat, exchanged numbers, set a time....etc etc etc

Of course when I got there and called, no answer, no call back...and what is it with this damn Google voice thing? I dunno, guess I'll have to research that elsewhere? Why does someone flake and refuse to answer their phone, or not be nice enough to return a call if something came up? Is that asking too much?

I blew $25 bucks in gas alone, two hours of my time, and while I felt since I was already in Dallas I might as well visit the Clubhouse, but being a Monday, it was pretty tame and not the anything goes place it was on a weekday a couple of weeks ago ( I need to write a review on that).

I am not saying I am perfect, there are a couple of providers I said I would date in the past, but after reading a train wreck review decided against it, but I have never come close to standing anyone up.

So what's up ladies?
daty/o's Avatar
I think it has happened to all of us, my friend. And often with girls you really want to see. Most notably Brooklyn Sky, with me. Sometimes there is good reason, but, for the most part, I believe "flake" about sums it up. Either she overbooked, got a better offer or just decided she had better things to do. Who, the hell, knows? I have always been an advocate of linking ncns activity to providers with reviews. Like yours, a lot of times we go to great lengths to see them; there should be some accountability.
She's human and likely has a life other than the one in which you wished to indulge. Perhaps family arrived unexpectedly...maybe her boyfriend/husband/SO flipped on her...the flu....a sick child.....a burst pipe...backed up toilet.....who the Hell knows. daty/o makes a great point when he says it's happened to anyone that's hobbied. Sorry for your inconvenience but that's the way it works sometimes. Good luck on your next try!
I think it has happened to all of us, my friend. And often with girls you really want to see. Most notably Brooklyn Sky, with me. Sometimes there is good reason, but, for the most part, I believe "flake" about sums it up. Either she overbooked, got a better offer or just decided she had better things to do. Who, the hell, knows? I have always been an advocate of linking ncns activity to providers with reviews. Like yours, a lot of times we go to great lengths to see them; there should be some accountability. Originally Posted by daty/o
All good points, and I know where you are coming from. The only time I have written a NCNS review I got flamed by a bunch of guys with "internuts", if you know what I mean, so I am hedging on whether to write one.
She's human and likely has a life other than the one in which you wished to indulge. Perhaps family arrived unexpectedly...maybe her boyfriend/husband/SO flipped on her...the flu....a sick child.....a burst pipe...backed up toilet.....who the Hell knows. daty/o makes a great point when he says it's happened to anyone that's hobbied. Sorry for your inconvenience but that's the way it works sometimes. Good luck on your next try! Originally Posted by txcwby6
None of those reasons excuses being nice enough to call and say I cannot make it. She knew I was driving in from a distance.
Aww stupid that is sad. If i where u I would write it or tell who it was, because if it was a guy u better know that the lady would put him out there for being a waste of time. It does happen to everyone at some point, but still call and tell the person..have a god one should have came back and got my ass lol
Regardless of what might have came up or happened, I believe a phone call was deserved. Whether it be a bullshit excuse or not, you at least deserve that much. Im not going to lie, I have missed appts or couldnt make my scheduled appointment, but I had the decensy to call and let my client know. And hopefully in time for him to make other plans. Its probably embarassment that keeps a lot of young ladies from notifying the guy. I hate calling the bill company when Im going to be late paying them,....lol! because its embarassing! Im sorry to hear you wasted time, gas , and got frustrated. Dallas is full of beautiful ladies! On to the next, I say
Aww stupid that is sad. If i where u I would write it or tell who it was, because if it was a guy u better know that the lady would put him out there for being a waste of time. It does happen to everyone at some point, but still call and tell the person..have a god one should have came back and got my ass lol Originally Posted by exoticbabygirl
You got that shit right, but like most men, I like variety and wanted to try some vanilla. Boy was I stupid or what?
None of those reasons excuses being nice enough to call and say I cannot make it. She knew I was driving in from a distance. Originally Posted by Look-at-Stupid

A phone call saying i cant make it or something came up is better then what she did to you:/
you are right paris
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
Some providers and strippers have such a volume of bullshit texts, messages, calls, emails, etc. that I don't expect them to be timely except if they miss an appointment, which should be prioritized.
If I show up and they miss, and don't reply within 15 minutes, I just go to plan B, aka AMPS.
I find that (insert color here) girls tend be better organized - just jokin' LOL
a simple phone call can resolve a lot of fuss over ncns
pyramider's Avatar
Was the appointment confirmed?
john_deere's Avatar
ncns = lack of respect. it's that simple.