remember the terrorist threat ?

VitaMan's Avatar
This was all the press could talk about until.......Covid 19.

Since then, reports of terrorist activity have completely dried up. The threat must be over.

More likely it is the inability of the media to cover anything properly but the 1 hot story. An easy layup for them.
Right. Have you noticed that Biden has "won" the election there's no more BLM protests? If there are, they aren't getting much coverage.

I have a theory about this.
The terrorist threat was never that serious. The number of troops that we lost during Iraqi Freedom was more Americans than we lost during all the terrorist attacks in the last 50 years combined.
Ripmany's Avatar
Covid-19 is a Chinese terrorist attack on americas. Trump just a wimp and won't nuck china, well haha covid-19 we learned cures Cancer.
I 100% believe China is behind covid-19 but I don't think they would be stupid enough to release it in their own population. The fact that a Pandemic would be coming from China has been written about and plan for. Its like you are in a fox hole and you get shot. Are you concerned about where the bullet came from or concerned about getting down and getting medical help. Does it matter who dropped the bomb or that a bomb has been dropped.
I 100% believe China is behind covid-19 but I don't think they would be stupid enough to release it in their own population. The fact that a Pandemic would be coming from China has been written about and plan for. Its like you are in a fox hole and you get shot. Are you concerned about where the bullet came from or concerned about getting down and getting medical help. Does it matter who dropped the bomb or that a bomb has been dropped. Originally Posted by theotherguy1
Of course, they would as it gives them Plausible Deniability. Trump was kicking their yellow butts all over the place and their economy was suffering big time. So what better way to take out your opponent's leader than to release a virus that you can deny, with reasonable arguments that are believable, while changing the course of an "election" by leading sheeple away from what really matters, e.g. job loss instead of historically low unemployment is the smoke while what matters is standing up to a Communist state that wants to rule the world.

The ChiComs, the CCP in particular, are the "new" enemy of the American way, and the World order in general.
matchingmole's Avatar
A few people in the Trump administration are starting to think that Covid 19 is a virus and somewhat contagious.
China had already kicked the idiot in chief of art of the steal ass to the curb. China played the biggest loser on their way to the worlds leader with the biggest economy while trump was sending taxpayers handouts to farmers he fucked.

Just another of many fuck ups for the Biden/Harris team to deal with. Maybe later in this year the world won't think of America as a third world country run by a wanna be dictator
matchingmole's Avatar
Terrorists invaded the Capitol building
VitaMan's Avatar
Mr, Kim admits the most recent 5 year economic plan failed. Well, guys, do you ever look in the mirror to try and figure out why they fail ?
There’s not money in terrorism right now for the media. Now, this pandemic is sexy and profitable. Terrorism coverage will pick right up after covid is contained. Then the sheeple will have a new thing to be deathly afraid of.
VitaMan's Avatar
Mr. Trump used to call him Little Rocket Man.
At least that is one thing we will miss.