Chicago Alderman takes a bite out of crime?

Chicago Alderman, Maria Hadden recently boosted a proposal by the group "Native Son" that is calling for the People's Ordinance. The Ordinance would call for a cease fire in Chicago between 9am and 9pm. They're asking Criminals to refrain from committing violent crime involving firearms to reduce the risk of innocent Chicagoan's who are not involved in high risk situations.

Instead of enhancing the Police Service and empowering citizens they want to negotiate with Criminals. Dumb idea that won't put even a slight dent in the violent crime rate in Chicago.
I’m sure the Gangs will be good citizens and adopt this policy.

Just like they obey all of the extremely strict Gun Laws that Chicago has.
ICU 812's Avatar
As Bugs Bunny famiously said, "What a maroon!".
Why_Yes_I_Do's Avatar
...They're asking Criminals to refrain from committing violent crime involving firearms to reduce the risk of innocent Chicagoan's who are not involved in high risk situations... Originally Posted by Levianon17
I read that to mean that if a thug killed someone during daylight hours, law enforcement (sic), would remind them that it is "preferred" to do when it's dark outside, though it seems vague enough to allow some shooting during the daylight hours - thus making "law enforcement" more like "guideline reminders" or "guideline coaches". Either way, shooting people at night still seems to be OK.

PSA Reminder: Not only did the people vote for that, they are paying for the privilege.
ICU 812's Avatar
I am disappointed that Rudy Gulini has gone off in the direction he has for the past few years.

In his prime as mayor of New York City he laid down a blueprint for effectively suppressing crime and refurbishing a city's downtown.

These techniques are not secret. They were hotly debated at the time. Whatever one's feelings about Guliani are at this time, what he did in NYC during the 1990s worked.

To be clear: I support the policies, not the man.