NYC leftists are the dimmest bulbs in the box

berryberry's Avatar
These radical leftist dumbshits jumped down onto the subway tracks to protest


Would it have been serendipity if one of them touched the third rail and were fried to a crisp? Hell, if that happened then more crazy ass leftists would be out protesting the city not doing anything to protect them from there own insanity
berryberry's Avatar
Subway worker explains how protesters traumatized a train crew and inconvenienced countless people while endangering their own lives, all to accomplish... what, exactly?

Worker for NYC subways describes the dangerous situation protesters created when they jumped down on the tracks…

They could have been ELECTROCUTED.

“Our city is in crisis. Our city is going down the drain.”

bambino's Avatar
Are there any sane and rational people left in that shithole?
HDGristle's Avatar
How can they be worse than San Francisco?
bambino's Avatar
How can they be worse than San Francisco? Originally Posted by HDGristle
They’re not, there’s just more of them in NYC.
berryberry's Avatar
The crazy ass leftists are racists too.

In case it's not clear here are white leftist protestors screaming at a black man who says he's just trying to get to work.

Dreamgurrl's Avatar
Imagine feeling serindipitous that an innocent person simply expressing their 1st amendment rights, accidentally electrocutes themselves?

First you want women to be assaulted in CVS now you want protesters to accidentally electrocute themselves.

Good Lord the mental backflips it must take for this to be logical in your brain is impressive to say the least.
HDGristle's Avatar
Interestingly point. It kinda feels like you'd have to view them as subhuman.

Then it requires no mental gymnastics at all because they've been dehumanized.

Now, if this is instead a "fuck around and find out moment" they're still human and it seems the serendipity could be because they "deserved it" and let's say it was because they're leftist. Which could speak to a degradation of morality and a lack of empathy on the part of someone who suggested it.

I won't bother speaking to the heinous punnery
berryberry's Avatar
Imagine feeling serindipitous that an innocent person simply expressing their 1st amendment rights, accidentally electrocutes themselves?

First you want women to be assaulted in CVS now you want protesters to accidentally electrocute themselves.

Good Lord the mental backflips it must take for this to be logical in your brain is impressive to say the least. Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
Good Lord - the mental backflips it must take to call these idiots who jump down on the subway tracks where they could have been hit by a subway train or touched the third rail and been electrocuted "an innocent person simply expressing their 1st amendment rights"?

If they are so damn stupid to partake in a dangerous act that puts them at risk, why should anyone care if they fry. The classic case of them fucking around and finding out. Serendipity indeed
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
Thanks for proving HDs points about dehumanization.

So they are guilty of being unaware or “stupid” about the third rail. Or maybe they knew about it and were cautious?

Either way, suggesting that no one should care if they “fry” is dehumanizing them to further your seemingly insane agenda .

I love a good berry berry double down on his seething blind hatred for anyone that disagrees.
berryberry's Avatar
You would have to be an utter moron to not know about the dangers of jumping down on subway tracks to protest.

If you were such an idiot that you were unaware of the electrified third rail

If you were such an idiot that you willingly ignored all the warning and danger signs

If you were such an idiot that you ignored that you could be hit by a subway train

Then yeah, why should anyone care if they fry. People are responsible for their own actions. And if they are so damn stupid they choose to fuck around like this, well who cares if they find out the consequences.
Dreamgurrl's Avatar
You would have to be an utter moron to not know about the dangers of jumping down on subway tracks to protest.

If you were such an idiot that you were unaware of the electrified third rail

If you were such an idiot that you willingly ignored all the warning and danger signs

If you were such an idiot that you ignored that you could be hit by a subway train

Then yeah, why should anyone care if they fry. People are responsible for their own actions. And if they are so damn stupid they choose to fuck around like this, well who cares if they find out the consequences. Originally Posted by berryberry
Did any of that happen?

People should care because they have empathy for other humans.

Hoping someone dies in a horrific way because they are “an idiot” is really low even for you.
berryberry's Avatar
Did any of that happen?

People should care because they have empathy for other humans.

Hoping someone dies in a horrific way because they are “an idiot” is really low even for you. Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
Never said I hoped they died. But if they did I would not shed any tears.

When people bring this shit in themselves by making stupid decisions, they have to deal with the consequences and I will have no sympathy. Just like I have no sympathy for those shithole cities like San Fran that keep electing crazy ass leftists. They have to live with the consequences now.
Thanks for proving HDs points about dehumanization.

So they are guilty of being unaware or “stupid” about the third rail. Or maybe they knew about it and were cautious?

Either way, suggesting that no one should care if they “fry” is dehumanizing them to further your seemingly insane agenda .

I love a good berry berry double down on his seething blind hatred for anyone that disagrees. Originally Posted by Dreamgurrl
... Hmmmm... Interesting that you'd mention "dehumanising"
in America there, luv...

One of the strangest things that I see here in this
country - and it's a constant - doesn't matter WHAT
part of America I surely 'appen to visit - I hear
the same sick chant.

Anyone heading to one o' your prisons is in
serious peril... As the sad lot of the citizenry here
all CHEER WITH GLEE that a sorry fellow or bad bounder
will get RAPED all the time while in prison.

I surely gotta wonder WHY that horrid thought
seems to be viewed as somehow "well deserved"
for the prisoner... And why the lot of you
seem to delight in some fellow's sad fate.

One odd American concept that I'll never understand.

... And they got a lot of prisons over New York-way
for the rapes to happen...

#### Salty
Jacuzzme's Avatar
If these idiots want to compete for Darwin Awards by exercising their 1st amendment rights straddling a couple kilovolts, I’m probably gonna laugh when one gets barbecued. A little chlorine for the gene pool.