Pensacola, maybe?

Hello Florida! I've been thinking of coming to Pensacola area for a visit. Any suggestions from the locals on where to stay, where to avoid, fun places to go, good eats?
Doodle23's Avatar
Davis Highway is a pretty good bet, plenty of places to stay and right next to I-10. It ranges from a holiday inn to the super cheap love motels.You could also stay downtown, but things can be a bit more spread out if you go that route. The beach is definitely our main attraction, but downtown can be okay. I prefer dive bars/ biker bars and tend to stay away from places that attract college kids, but to each his own.

If you want to go downtown then hopjacks, world of beer, and oreilly's are some good spots. I have had many drunken walks down palafox and those are my personal favorites depending on what time you choose to go. Palofox is part of the heart of downtown pcola and you can find a lot of small shops and bars down Palofox.
Sounds like we have the preferences in hang outs, Doodle23. I came to Pcola on a vacation a few years ago and rented a house on the beach, not far from the Beach Ball, it was amazing! I found a cool place in an area that reminded me of the French Quarter, I don't remember the name, but I had a great time there! I'm not sure, but I may have been to O'Reilly's. Doesn't it have dollar bills all over the ceiling? If that is the same place, they had some yummy steaks there!
joesmo888's Avatar
I think you are talking about McGuires.. that place has gone downhill the past year. the service and food has gone down bigtime. across the street there is a carrabas which is pretty good italian cookie cutter food.. not authentic but well priced.. on 9th there is an excellent pizza place called Tuscan, maybe the best pizza in the entire panhandle.

overall though the food in pensacola is pretty awful lol, but that is typical of any place in the bible belt. anyone who thinks its any good doesn't travel much.

there is a couple decent places as doodle was saying along palafox but i would definately check the reviews first on them.. lots of turnover.. restaurants closing and opening.. typical of that industry .. if you like seafood there are some good places along the water. its overpriced but its better than gut food little restaurants.
I'm sorry to hear about McGuires, it had a wonderful atmosphere and thinking about that steak made my mouth water!
I'm always up to explore new places, so if any of the Pcola gents are willing to show me, I'm down!
Doodle23's Avatar
I don't hobby all that much these days as my significant other keeps me happy, but I'd be down to meet up some place and show you around. I'm always down to meet fellow board members. Just shoot me a pm sometime.
Hmmmm......... only 2 gentlemen willing to welcome a lady visitor?
Hmmmm.... only 2 gentlemen to welcome a lady to Florida?
I didn't want to continue on Fiesty Kat's thread, so I brought this over here.
Well, I don't think he is really saying that the girls are " fly by night " or aren't legit , but that some of them can price themselves out of the market for this area and are overpriced for the area. In Kat's case she is at 220/hr, that's not unreasonable for the area at all, and some of the top of the line girls in the area charge 300/hr but even that is pretty rare. Usually it falls at about 250 for girls that are " high quality providers " . So when a girl comes along and she is very plane jane looking and wants 400/hr then she can price herself out of the market for sure.

It's all relative. In major metro areas everything tends to cost more. Everything from housing and everything in between is more expensive. I think that the higher rates wouldn't be so bad in lets say LA, New York, etc, but sometimes the competition can be pretty steep here with so many girls passing through and it can be easy for us gents to find what we are looking for elsewhere with the economy the way it is. In the dating landscape the way it is just having a job puts you ahead of the vast majority of men it seems haha. Originally Posted by Doodle23
I understand you very well. I do ask alot given that I am much more mature than most ladies, but I also GIVE a lot in return. Never had a gent leave with a frown, thats for sure!
There is, and always has been, something about Florida to me. Even as a rebellious teenager, I would somehow find my way down here from the Northern states where I grew up. Then, I found out that I had family from here going back to the horse and buggy days! Even though I was not born in Florida, there is a connection. My children were born and raised on the beaches of Miami.
So there you have it! I seem to be following my roots!
Sorry guys........
Welcome! As a transplant from the west coast and a foodie, I can def give you my "best of" list. I look forward to your visit.
bamacoach's Avatar
Hey Girl,
Genes Lounge has a pool table and a live band. Of course the end of the alley bar is always my favorite!