The (real) Dalai Lama In Hot Water Over Remarks

everybody will be up in a tizzy, and fail to see he's just an 80 year old dude that likes good looking women.

I figure the ole Lama feels this chick would do just fine.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
OK, the DL likes good looking women that have pretty face when they come.
I think we have something in common.
This is what he has in mind. I hope Kim doesn't mind shaving her head, lol.
This is what he has in mind. I hope Kim doesn't mind shaving her head, lol. Originally Posted by Mr MojoRisin
Does she claim to be Buddhist too ?
Does she claim to be Buddhist too ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Hey, you and the Lama have something in common; you both love baldheaded hoes.
Hey, you and the Lama have something in common; you both love baldheaded hoes. Originally Posted by WombRaider
Well Elton John, Freddy Mercury, Boy George, and George Michael all have the same "
musical interest" that YOU do ! They all believe that they can swishy walk and make music by puffing a peter! Stay with that trombone playing, woomby, and maybe some day you'll hit it big like them !! Maybe some day you and that "other" favorite son" of Arkansas can start a musical dou and you can leave that family business of the 'holes !! And hey, you and male cetaceans and boars have something in common too ! The fatter, the better ! Do you like it like that so they can "drive it home " when they're pegging YOU ?
Well Elton John, Freddy Mercury, Boy George, and George Michael all have the same "
musical interest" that YOU do ! They all believe that they can swishy walk and make music by puffing a peter! Stay with that trombone playing, woomby, and maybe some day you'll hit it big like them !! Maybe some day you and that "other" favorite son" of Arkansas can start a musical dou and you can leave that family business of the 'holes !! And hey, you and male cetaceans and boars have something in common too ! The fatter, the better ! Do you like it like that so they can "drive it home " when they're pegging YOU ? Originally Posted by Rey Lengua
Reytardo, ladies and gentlemen, Reytardo. He's here all week, playing the role of a fucking retarded jizz-drunk monkey.

What's a musical DOU?
When you say "the real Dali", what are you implying?
When you say "the real Dali", what are you implying? Originally Posted by timpage
I didn't want anybody to think I was talking about our resident "deity" here on ECCIE.
I didn't want anybody to think I was talking about our resident "deity" here on ECCIE. Originally Posted by Jackie S
Heh....I'm guessing our Lama shares the same opinions as his mentor on the topic.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
I give as much credence to the DL as I do the
I give as much credence to the DL as I do the Originally Posted by The2Dogs
But at least, by this account, the DL is a man who appreciates a nice piece of ass. A woman's ass, that is.
Guest123018-4's Avatar
That is true, but neither are more than just a man with a title.
TheDaliLama's Avatar
When you say "the real Dali", what are you implying? Originally Posted by timpage
Who do you think I am?
Wink Martindale?