Never Fails!!

Ever notice things are tight in the money department and then you see 4 to 5 girls that you would love to see...

**Steps off the soap box**
onehitwonder's Avatar
Please do not get me started. I've been searchin' for a certain car for a few yrs and could never find it. Well the way I wanted it,year, color, price,etc. Got my income tax money this yr held onto it still lookin........... Bam! lost my job used my car money to keep afloat and guess what? About 3 wks ago, 6 houses down from me big ole' red and white sign in the back window of a ....wait for it...wait for it..... Yeah so I feel ya!

kinda the same thing since I dont shop for one of those. Sittin' on one.

just sayin.....